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Showing posts from November, 2017

नारी शक्ति #fridayfotofiction #fictionwriting

  क्या कांच का यह सेतु , नारी शक्ति को नहीं   दर्शा  रहा ??? दिखने में तो कांच जैसी नाज़ुक है नारी   , पर अंदर से लोहे सी मज़बूत है नारी । दिखने में तो कांच जैसी पारदर्शी है नारी , पर अंतर्मन में नाजाने कितने राज़ समेटे हुए है नारी । जैसे इस कांच को कई यातनाओं से गुज़ारकर सुदृढ़ बना दिया गया है , वैसे ही जीवन के संघर्षों से गुज़रकर निर्भीक बन गयी है नारी । कांच की दृढ़ता  व नारी की क्षमता , दोनों  को ही  परखा जा रहा है आज  । Linking this post with Tina and Mayuri for #fridayfotofiction    

My Family is my real wealth - Let's celebrate #gratefulness to our Family

Once again I take out some time and reflect on how fortunate I am. Today  let me express my #gratefulness to my dear family. First of all I feel grateful to my loving parents who brought me in this world. In this big universe , my own little world meant my supportive Dad, caring Mom and a friendly teasing brother. Being the youngest one in the family used to be an advantage to  me whenever I and my brother had a fight . Remembering those times still bring a smile . I am thankful to my maternal aunts, uncles and cousins with whom I had the best of the times in my growing years . The days of togetherness during summer vacation used to be daily celebrations . Even a simple birthday party at home felt like a big function in the family , planning those little games, decorating the house and cooking variety of dishes all at home. I think all this enhanced emotional bonding . I am thankful to my husband and my In-laws family who are equally loving and understanding . I am fortunate enough fo...

5 Best Quotes on Friends -Lets be Grateful to our friends #gratefulness

Friendship……what a lovely bond. Isn’t it ? We experience many friendships in our life right from the day we are born. Our parents become our first best friends , then relatives , then we make many during our school n college and then God sends another very good friend in our life  that’s our spouse. Of course I am grateful to all the good friends I  got to make in my life . But few were the special ones which immediately come into my mind whenever friendship is talked of. I am remembering today my friends which are pure friends , I mean not husband or parents or siblings , but the friends I made in my hostel days. I wish to dedicate the following 5 Best quotes to those friends which have created a permanent mark on my heart. A FRIEND IS WHAT THE HEART NEEDS ALL THE TIME Whenever we are feeling down , sometimes we don’t even know the reason for it , what our heart craves for is a true friend , with whom we can just open our heart and feel light.  That true ...

प्रतिष्ठा #fictionwriting #fridayfotofiction

कितना फर्क़ है दोनों माँओं में एक वो  माँ थी जो कूड़े के ढेर में फेंक गयी थी मुझे , और एक यह माँ है जो इतने सुंदर खिलौनों से सजे पालने में मुझे लेटाकर झूले दे रही है I एक वो माँ थी जो मेरे पैदा होते ही मुझे देखकर रोने लगी व मुझे कोसने लगी  थी I और एक यह माँ है जो मुझे देख  देखकर मुस्कुराती रहती है और कलेजे से लगाकर दुयाएँ देती रहती है । एक वो माँ थी जो मुझे कलंक समझती थी और एक यह माँ है जिसने मेरा नाम प्रतिष्ठा रखा है । भगवान जाने  असली माँ कौन है मेरी ? Linking this post with Tina and Mayuri for #fridayfotofiction

Newspatrolling- Quality Reading Portal is a news portal which offers not only news but also  the latest   blogposts about entertainment, lifestyle , technology ,etc.  This quality reading portal  was started in 2013 by a young entrepreneur . The blogs are unique and insightful. Newspatrolling has been delivering quality content to its users and is always looking for new ways of media creation so that the readers are benefitted. Already, this portal has collaboration with many top clients like Digibank, LG, Toyota and many others . It is making steady progress towards its cherished goal of entering the list of top news and content syndication portals in India. You can find content on wide variety of topics in different categories. Because of its dynamic content strategy , it is constantly attracting new readers on daily basis. NEWS U can read about the latest news on this portal, both national and international , be it about the climate change  with the doctors advising special masks or the recent NewYork...

The Plumber #fridayfotofiction #fictionwriting

सक्षम के  पिता  अनपढ़ थे व उम्र भर प्लम्बर( plumber) का   काम करते रहे , पर उन्होंने अपने इकलौते बेटे को खूब पढ़ाया लिखाया  व इंजीनियर बनाया । उच्च शिक्षा के साथ साथ उच्च संस्कार भी दिए थे पिता ने ।  नौकरी के लिए शहर  भेजते  समय पिता ने कहा   ” बेटा ,जिंदगी में खूब तरक्की करो खूब पैसा कमाओ पर अपने  जीवन की आधारशिला कभी मत भूलना । यह  सोच कभी भी तुम्हारे मन मे अहंकार पैदा नही होने देगी ” आज सक्षम के पिता कई महीनों बाद उससे मिलने शहर आये  थे । सुबह जब बेटे को कोट पेंट पहनकर व टाई लगाकर आफिस जाते देखा तो  बहुत  गर्वित  महसूस किया  । शाम को   आफिस से आने के बाद बाप बेटा दिल की बातें करने लगे । “पिता जी , अब आप यहीं मेरे पास ही आ जाओ , गावँ में क्या रखा है , और हां अब  आपको वो प्लम्बर का काम करने की कोई ज़रूरत नही ” तभी एक फोन आता है ” जी जी , ठीक है , अभी 10 मिनट में पहुंच जाता हूँ ” “कहाँ जाना है इस वक़्त बेटा ? ” “पिता जी , बस कभी कभी  शाम को  कुछ पार्ट टाइम  काम होता  है  , मैं अभी थोड़ी देर में आ जाऊंगा,  आप आराम करिये ” पिता आश्चर्...

Let's Feel Grateful to Our Home-Where memories are made , laughter is shared #gratefulness

As November started , I adopted a new attitude -GRATITUDE  which means to express gratitude towards life’s offerings; to be grateful to all the happenings in our life –things, good health , comfort, peace , and to be even more grateful to  all those persons who play a role  to make these happen. Today I wish to write , being grateful to my  our home. We  live in Panchkula but the house we live in , is a rented one. Although our home offers all the comforts and brings smiles , my bedroom always brings out the relaxing sighs out of me when I rest on my bed after a long hectic day , but still something is missing . Even after few days of holidaying , when we come back home , the first words which automatically come out are “Home Sweet Home ” . It surely indicates how much comfort , relaxation, ease  the home provides.  Ofcourse I am thankful to my home but still that feeling of  OUR OWN  HOME is still missing. Recently , just a few days ago, I visited my  paternal g...

Let's Feel Grateful For Our Health , Let's make good health a fashion statement #gratefulness

I felt excited when  I got a prompt “Thankful for your health” to write on. This prompt gives me an opportunity to be thankful to God for blessing me with  a very good health. Except for occasional headache or backache , I am completely fit and fine. When I see others facing major health issues , then I feel all the more grateful for my good health. Two years ago, when my mother-in-law had to undergo knee replacement surgery , I got to visit the hospital for many days . Such critical cases of accidents or heart attacks or cancer could be seen there which were terrifying.  Parents with   new born  kids in their laps  , kids having one or other form of heart trouble , could be seen waiting in long queues . Seeing such cases , any healthy person  really feels grateful for the gift of good health. May nobody needs to go to hospital ! I am reminded of the time when I met with an accident many years ago. I was unmarried at that time. I was driving the scooter when a cyclist banged...

GRATITUDE- My New Attitude in Life

 I have been reading and listening about Gratitude and Grateful Living for the last many days . I also wanted to start with this habit of Gratitude .  When November has started , which is the month of Thanksgiving and it’s also my birthday month , so what other time would be perfect to start this habit of Gratitude ? World’s leading scientific expert on gratitude  Robert Emmons says that Gratitude has two key components : Affirmation of Goodness  – That we affirm the good things in the world , gifts and benefits we are receiving in our lives. Sources of this goodness are outside of ourselves- That we acknowledge that other people gave us many gifts , big & small, to help us achieve goodness in our lives. This attitude of Gratitude has to be inculcated in life by some daily practices and habits . Let me also start my journey of Grateful living with my first post today . So to make my birthday month special, I plan to practice these things to cultivate  my new atti...

Business #fridayfotofiction #fictionwriting

#Fridayfotofiction is a weekly bloghop by Mayuri and Tina where fiction writing is celebrated based on the photo prompt. Gurpreet Singh, known  by his nickname  Happy , was dear to all the villagers because of his generosity. Now having moved  from a  small village of Punjab , India to the big town Livingston of New Jersey  , Gurpreet Singh has  turned into Garry. The turban has disappeared, the long oiled   hair  turned into short n styled gel ones. The big city’s dazzle  has taught him to make many faces , officeface, partyface, streetface but the original Happyface is lost somewhere. His every face means business now. As he is busy reading Business Times and planning for new investments , the phone starts vibrating with a call from someone   Manpreet Singh . Garry thinks a little before sliding his hand but when he does, hears a teary choked voice in punjabi from the other side  ” Happy Veer , Bebe Rab nu pyari ho gayi ”  (Brother, Our Mom is no more in this world ...