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My Family is my real wealth - Let's celebrate #gratefulness to our Family

Once again I take out some time and reflect on how fortunate I am. Today  let me express my #gratefulness to my dear family.


First of all I feel grateful to my loving parents who brought me in this world. In this big universe , my own little world meant my supportive Dad, caring Mom and a friendly teasing brother. Being the youngest one in the family used to be an advantage to  me whenever I and my brother had a fight . Remembering those times still bring a smile .

I am thankful to my maternal aunts, uncles and cousins with whom I had the best of the times in my growing years . The days of togetherness during summer vacation used to be daily celebrations . Even a simple birthday party at home felt like a big function in the family , planning those little games, decorating the house and cooking variety of dishes all at home. I think all this enhanced emotional bonding .

I am thankful to my husband and my In-laws family who are equally loving and understanding . I am fortunate enough for having a very soft spoken hubby who tolerates “the short-tempered me ” many times.

Becoming a mother was the best thing that happened in my life . Our  daughter came as a blessing and  gave a new definition to our Family . She is the daily source of my happiness and smiles. I feel thankful to my sweetheart who gave me the gift of motherhood. I am experiencing many emotions through my motherhood, rather re-living my childhood.

It’s just great to have my own small family who are constantly on my mind , wherever I  go I am thinking of them , caring for them , and just crave  to return to them in the evening . The little one’s cute hugs,  kisses and  chirps  relax me immediately  . Even after a hectic day , I  love to  cook for them . Now that my daughter is growing up fast , she too enjoys with me in the kitchen , sometimes trying to knead , cook a shapeless parantha or making tea . She actually makes a nice tea. Don’t these simplest things give the highest pleasures ?

So Let’s be grateful to our family who are our real wealth. Bcoz when we grow old , it won’t matter how much bank balance we have or how big the house is , but only thing that would matter is how content and happy you are in your little world.

I think the following six  mantras (  if implemented ) , can do wonders in any family :

LET ME DO IT FOR YOU ,           I AM SORRY  ,        THANKYOU  ,      I LOVE YOU


So Let’s all be  grateful to our families , Let the busy life of today’s modern world not keep us away from showing how much we love and appreciate  our dear family .

Linking this post with Amrita for #Novemberthankfulness Challenge #thankfulthursdays 




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