#Prostitution - The (Im)moral service industry - Does a woman become prostitute by choice ? #BlogchatterA2Z
P stands for Prostitution Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment . There are about 42 million prostitutes in the world .The question is why some women adopt this practice where they are addressed as call girls or white slaves ? Do the women adopt it on their own wishes ? May be these women are in dire need of money , money for food or clothing or children’s education or mere survival . So financial reasons may become one’s basis for adopting Prostitution and act slaves at the feet of men’s sex desire. May be after some time , their financial problems get vanished but once women have dived into this profession , it becomes difficult for them to take a U-turn . They become constrained as their families are also not ready to adopt them again . So once in this industry , the women prefer to just close their eyes and let themselves sink in the mire of Prostitution . ( as the below picture also speaks ) The second reason m