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#Prostitution - The (Im)moral service industry - Does a woman become prostitute by choice ? #BlogchatterA2Z

P stands for Prostitution

Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment .  There are about 42 million prostitutes in the world .The question is why some women adopt this practice where they are addressed as call girls or white slaves ?   Do the women adopt it on their own wishes ? May be these women are in dire need of money , money for food or clothing or children’s education or mere survival . So financial reasons may become one’s basis for adopting Prostitution  and act  slaves at the feet of men’s sex desire.   May be after some time , their financial problems get vanished but once women have dived into this profession , it becomes difficult for them to take a U-turn .  They  become constrained as their families are also not ready to adopt them again .  So once in this industry ,  the women prefer to   just close their eyes and let themselves sink in the mire of Prostitution . ( as the below picture also speaks )

ProstituteThe second reason may be the imposed Prostitution where the women are trafficked and are forced to practice Prostitution .  Recently I watched a movie “Lakshmi” which is based on the harsh realities of women trafficking and girl child Prostitution. All this is continuing in the Modernized society behind closed curtains.

The movie “Lakshmi” 

Lakshmi is a 14 year old girl who has been put into forced Prostitution . There are many other girls there at that sex place which is being projected as a hostel for helpless girls . Out of all the girls or women there , she is the youngest one .  The innocent girl is tortured by the sex dealers , given estrogen injections , and is compelled for forced entries by different men . Lakshmi   tries to run away from that environment but is caught again and is given severe punishment by iron nails . It was so  upsetting to listen to the words used in the movie , like the word ‘hole’ is used for the girl .   The customers are not bothered even if the girl is unconscious . All they want is a ‘hole’ , of a young girl . O my God , it left me in jitters . Till the end of the movie  , Lakshmi is so much traumatized that even when somebody knocks on the door , she starts taking off her clothes . You see how badly the girl’s mind has been conditioned by the surroundings .

Prostitution is a  service industry

Prostitution is bad , it is illegal , women practicing it have to face lots of violence and exploitation , but the reality is that it’s a livelihood of millions . It is just like any other job as we know of teacher , doctor or engineer . Prostitution is another service industry , where the women give services to the lust of many males . No matter that in this industry , women are tortured sexually as per demands of the customers , in many cases  these women develop many diseases also  , but the services continue . The customers may talk of high moral values just outside the brothels but as soon as they step inside the brothels to receive services  , the morality evaporates .

Would it be OK to consider Prostitution as moral ? 

Whenever we listen to the word , our educated  balanced mind immediately says  – Of course Prostitution is immoral . How can you even think of considering it moral ? Our religion , our culture has taught us many values , the principles the society should abide by . So it’s just not fair to practice illegal sex activities for money . But on the other side , if we think like this that  when there are some men and women who are doing sex activities with consent , then what’s the harm ?  If the customer is getting satisfied and the service provider is satisfied being paid enough , then can’t we call this sex activity as moral ?  No doubt that women trafficking and forced Prostitution is immoral because it is forced , without consent  .

I am unable to write much as I don’t know whether it’s right to accuse  women practicing this business , or accuse the men visiting them . After all a business flourishes only on customers . But on the other hand , if such businesses are banned  ,  won’t the number of  customers  slowly fade away ?  I think  in that case ,  the  no. of customers may fade away but the no. of  culprits may increase even more as they would turn more  towards rapes. The psychologists say that sex is a man’s hunger . He feels full when he gets empty . Because  the  sexual desire  of a male has been very intense since the beginning   , so it doesn’t matter to him   which means are followed to satisfy it , moral or immoral .   Can’t there be some means to control this sex lust ?  And by the way ,  Does only lust survive ? Where is the love ?



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