As November started , I adopted a new attitude -GRATITUDE which means to express gratitude towards life’s offerings; to be grateful to all the happenings in our life –things, good health, comfort, peace , and to be even more grateful to all those persons who play a role to make these happen.
Today I wish to write , being grateful to my our home. We live in Panchkula but the house we live in , is a rented one. Although our home offers all the comforts and brings smiles , my bedroom always brings out the relaxing sighs out of me when I rest on my bed after a long hectic day , but still something is missing . Even after few days of holidaying , when we come back home , the first words which automatically come out are “Home Sweet Home ” . It surely indicates how much comfort , relaxation, ease the home provides. Ofcourse I am thankful to my home but still that feeling of OUR OWN HOME is still missing.
Recently , just a few days ago, I visited my paternal grandparents’ house, I mean my Dada-Dadi’s home , in Amritsar (Punjab ). My Dadaji-Dadiji and Tayaji-Tayiji used to stay there together. Now the other three have left this world and my Tayiji (my Dad’s brother’s wife) stays there alone . I visited that place after lot many years . The two days spent there revived many memories for which I feel grateful.
The home is old but the memories are still fresh
As I reached the house and rang the bell, my Tayiji ( who lives on first floor) plucked a string and the the main gate was opened without her needing to come downstairs . You know it’s a jugaad done for the last so many years. My daughter was excited to see how it was done. It felt like a game to her.
As I was climbing the stairs , the memories of my childhood came alive when in every summer vacation, the whole family used to be together and we, the kids’ gang used to run up and down the stairs playing hide and seek.
As I entered my Dadi’s room , the bed Manja kept adjoining the wooden almirah brought the scene come alive when my Dadi used to take out Barfi from her almirah and give to all the kids. I feel grateful to my Tayiji for keeping the old things well maintained, be it that Manja or Dadi’s aluminium trunkbox.
As I entered the living room, sitting on the same old sofa gave a deep rooted contentment and peace. That house is very old type , no modern amenities , but still the feel of the house is very rich , its aura send vibes within me as if hugging one of my most loved ones.
The house has many pictures of all the family members , and every picture tells a story. The pictures of my great grandparents keeps the house and the family blessed , I think. Every nook n corner of the house revives the memories and the laughter shared, especially the rocking chair and the swing.
Standing in my Dadi’s room, picture of my great grandmother in the background
One of the rooms still has one big almirah full of books , of my Dadaji ( who was an advocate) and of my Tayaji(who was a professor). I could see all law and literature books there. Today I feel grateful to their storehouse of knowledge. The reading/writing love must have travelled in the genes.
I really feel very grateful to my Grandparents’ home which took me down the memory lane . I also feel very grateful to my hubby who accompanied me happily there and shared my joys while remembering my childhood.
I am linking this post with Amrita for November Thankfulness Challenge #thankfulthursdays #thankyounote
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