I felt excited when I got a prompt “Thankful for your health” to write on. This prompt gives me an opportunity to be thankful to God for blessing me with a very good health. Except for occasional headache or backache , I am completely fit and fine. When I see others facing major health issues , then I feel all the more grateful for my good health.
Two years ago, when my mother-in-law had to undergo knee replacement surgery , I got to visit the hospital for many days . Such critical cases of accidents or heart attacks or cancer could be seen there which were terrifying. Parents with new born kids in their laps , kids having one or other form of heart trouble , could be seen waiting in long queues . Seeing such cases , any healthy person really feels grateful for the gift of good health. May nobody needs to go to hospital !
I am reminded of the time when I met with an accident many years ago. I was unmarried at that time. I was driving the scooter when a cyclist banged with me . Thank God , I was wearing a helmet . My left leg was plastered for a month . I couldn’t even manage going to washroom on my own . How difficult it had become , all the time just resting on the bed !
So we should be grateful if God has blessed us with a healthy mind and body .
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Let’s just not be grateful for our good health but also make some recurring investments on our health , so as to make it even better. That would be the real gratefulness for our health .
*Our Heart runs 24 hours a day for us . Let us also run(or atleast walk) for our heart , even half an hour daily running can make our heart happy.
*Our Eyes our meant to see the beauty of nature. Let’s not use them just for mobile or computer screens.
*Our Liver helps in digestion and detoxification. Let us avoid toxifying it with alcohal or any other drugs.
*Our Joints keep us moving and provide us stability. Let’s not make them unstable my our excess body weight. Let’s keep them stressfree by doing stretching exercises.
*Our Brain does all the thinking for us, Our Mind keeps track of all the flow of energy. Let’s try to keep our mind energised by adopting any calming techniques, be it meditation or Anulomvilom. This maintains our body equilibrium .
Let’s all take care of our health , the wonderful gift of God . Let’s nourish ourselves by having more of fruits /veggies, cutting down on junk foods , and taking all those measures which make our body and mind in smiley mode.
Afterall, Health is Wealth .
So True, Health is the real wealth.
Be Healthy ! God Bless You !
linking this post with Amrita for November Thankfulness challenge #thankfulthursdays #thankyounote
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