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Showing posts from October, 2017

Why Not Yell Away the Anger ?#writetribeproblogger

I wanted to write about myself. What should I write ? My positive points or negative points ? What are my positive points ? What are my negative points ? I had to spend few minutes thinking about all this. My mind could bullet down many characteristics about myself but I doubted how many were the positive ones. Heart wanted to write about one of the finest qualities about myself. Sitting next to me was my better half , when I asked him about my qualities , he went into a deep thinking mode , unnnn……,  ticking his brain , & then suddenly said ” You yell many times  ” he made a teasingly smiling face too. Hearing this, I quickly acknowledged it. Yes , I do yell many times.But  is this the quality I should write about myself ? Heart & Brain shook hands and decided to write about this yelling only , whether it’s positive point or negative. Yes,  I yell but  also calm down quickly. So what’s the harm ?  Why not yell away the anger ? Anger is part ...

Burning Bride #fridayfotofiction

#Fridayfotofiction is a weekly bloghop which celebrates fiction writing based on the photo prompt. All were enjoying Bonfire at the NariNiketan . But  as expected, Neha didn’t come out of her room . Everyone knew she gets  frightened at the sight of fire . Asha Didi   went   to her  and  again saw her   lost in her past as usual , browsing her wedding album. How enthusiastic she used to be earlier ! How the magical love in the college had made her  tie knot with Varun around the sacred fire ! But her family  just couldn’t satisfy the greed of her in-laws. How she became a victim of domestic violence and of Bride Burning !!! (Tears  were making  itching sensation while rolling down her burnt cheeks) Neha had somehow managed to escape  from her in-laws but her fifty percent burns  were just not allowing the terrifying memories to escape. “Neha , Don’t keep feeling like a victim, you are a survivor. Burn your past memories ,not your dreams ” Asha Didi fondled ...

Monster named Writer's Block-Let's kick it away #writetribeproblogger

I  don’t know why it happens but it does happen at times. Sometimes you hold a pen & paper and your words flow like a river and you are able to pen down 3-4 pages just in few minutes. On the other hand there are also times when you sit in your favourite corner planning to write something creative but it’s like somebody is pushing you backwards, somebody is scratching your words with its big nails .  You write the name of a topic and start with the first few words. But you cut them and write another few words trying to make an effective language but again you mark a line across those words because they didnt come out as you wanted it to be. You go to the other room or balcony if the change of vibes may help you out. But again you feel like there is no fragrance of words around which can soothe your heart . Same was happening with me  since yesterday . I tried a walk, watched one of my favourite movies on TV and took a quick nap too but I dont know why  this Monster called...

How Society acts towards designated 'OTHERS'

  For the last few days , I am reading  the book OTHERNESS . In a world increasingly divided along the lines of colour, despite its apparent modernity , this book makes a hard  look at the realities that lurk within us , both as individuals and as a society. Why are we judged and discriminated based on gender , skin, colour , nationality or many other things ? As I was going through this book and its name OTHERNESS always striking my mind hard ,  a question pondered my mind . And I thought who would be able to answer it better than the author of this book OTHERNESS . So I requested the author of the book to submit a guestpost on my blog in answer to my question. Here it goes:— As an individual, how do you see OTHERNESS amongst males, females and the third sex?   This is not an easy answer and neither will it be easy for the querent to understand if the querent is not aware of Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological theories.  Although the question is somewhat right (as I am not...

The Colours of Passion- Book Review

Reading this book has been total  excitement and I  feel thrilled to write its review today. As the name says , this crime thriller shows varied colours of romance, anger, love, revenge, jealousy and lust. The passion can really be felt all through, right from page one till the last . The author is well able to create immense interest in the murder mystery  as it keeps one glued to the plot. The story is around  families of two entrepreneurs , Deepak Awasthi  and Surinder Chauhan.  Deepak Awasthi  is happy about the decision  to get his daughter Neha married to Surinder Chauhan’s son Manav . But Manav is not able to find  that love hue in Neha & calls off this wedding . Manav finds that longed love in Hiya Sen, who is a star and her last few movies struck gold at the box office. The two get married but within days of their marriage, Hiya Sen  is raped and murdered in front of the eyes of her husband Manav . The incident takes Manav into a trauma. ACP Agni  becomes the incharge of t...

Car Parking #writetribeproblogger #fridayfotofiction

रात के 1  बजे , सेंट्रल मॉल की पार्किंग तकरीबन खाली हो चुकी थी I  अंत में जब सिक्योरिटी गार्ड अजय घर जाने लगा तो एक चीख ने उसके पाँव रोक दिए I चारों ओर सन्नाटा और बीच में बारीक सी घुटी हुयी चीख , अजय झट से इधर उधर हड़बड़ाहट में भागकर देखने लगा , दिल की धड़कन बढ़ गयी , माथा पसीने से भर गया I दूर एक कोने में एक बड़ी सी काले रंग की गाड़ी खड़ी दिखी , गाड़ी के अंदर से कुछ शंकादायी आवाज़ें आ रही थीं I गाड़ी के पास जैसे ही पहुंचा तो देखा अंदर दो आदमी और एक लड़की , जिसका उसी के स्कार्फ़ से मुँह बंद कर दिया गया था I लड़की ने आशावान निगाहों से अजय को देखा I ” हेलो, हेलो , सर जल्दी यहाँ पांचवी मंज़िल पार्किँग पर आ जाईये , यहाँ कुछ लोग बहुत गलत हरकत कर रहे हैं ” अजय ने अपनी सिक्योरिटी टीम के मुखिया को फोन मिलाकर कहा I ” नौकरी करनी है या परिवार को भूखे मरते देखना है ? जो होता है होने दे , तेरी ड्यूटी ख़तम हो चुकी है , चुपचाप घर चला जा ” कई साल बीत गए हैं पर आज भी यदि अजय कोई काले रंग की गाड़ी देखता है तो उसके मन में दहशत भरी चीख उठती है  और उसे झंझोड़ कर रख देती है I   linking this post ...

The RED Saree #writetribeproblogger

I was wearing the RED , but blushing red SHE  was. I was wondering at  the beauty of the RED saree , but feeling proud SHE was. Actually it was Karvachauth festival and I had worn my Mom’s  RED saree.  It was not an ordinary saree but my Mom’s RED Wedding Saree, the one  she had worn on her Big day more than four decades ago. Watching me wearing her outfit , she was feeling very happy. I could see the extraordinary smile on her face and the radiance in her eyes.  That day, that RED saree unfurled many memories before her eyes. My Mom hinted  Dad ” Did you see what our daughter is wearing today ?” Mom was doubtful if  Dad’s mind would be able to race back in time .  But Dad quickly gestured YES to the memories.  I think they shared many memories of their wedding even in that quick glance at each other, may be some of their honeymoon too which ofcourse they didn’t  want to share with me . Here  I write about their feelings & memories which were  sha...

Why I fast on Karvachauth? #writetribeproblogger

Yes I am fasting today . Today is the Karvachauth festival, which married Hindu women observe for their husbands . Yes I am fasting today , following all the traditions and customs .  But Why I fast on Karvachauth ? Sometimes my mind does doubt about what’s the real meaning of this day and what’s the logic behind. But overpowering my brain, my heart just loves to follow all the beautiful traditions for the man of my life. I am the girl who wears kurtis and leggings in routine, but prefers wearing a traditional outfit  on this day . The girl who doesn’t like wearing any jewellery, loves wearing mangalsutra on this day and feel proud too. The girl who , in routine , is always in sports shoes , is seen sentimentally smiling  to the chanchan sound of her payal  and toe rings. We do have arguments many times, even not talking to each other for days together, but still that love bond remains intact , rather it grows stronger. I am reminded of an incident of my life which hap...

Nostalgic उदासीन #writetribeproblogger#fridayfotofiction

कैफ़े में अकेली बैठी राधा , कॉफ़ी के साथ साथ लैपटॉप पर काम करती हुई , 5 मिनट में 10  बार बॉस का फोन आ चूका था ” राधा , प्रेजेंटेशन त्यार नहीं हुई अभी तक , नहीं कर सकती तो नौकरी छोड़ क्यों नहीं देती ? सुनते ही राधा  उदासीन हो गयी ” जाने ज़िंदगी में अभी और क्या क्या छोड़ना बाकी है ? रमन जाने कहाँ ज़िन्दगी से ओझल हो गया था  I  कई सालों के प्यार भरे एहसासों को स्वाहा होने के लिए मात्र एक ही क्षण लगता है क्या ? यूँ ही तो बैठे थे हम , हाथ में हाथ डालकर ,  प्यार प्यार में  ऐसा तीक्ष्ण प्रश्न पूछा था उसने ” राधा , ये बच्चा हमारा ही है क्या ? ” सुनते ही मैं तो भौचक्की रह गयी थी ” अगर है भी तो  अभी नहीं चाहिए मुझे , तुम आज ही डॉ के पास जा के इस मुसीबत को छोड़ क्यों नहीं देती ? सुनकर आँखों में ज्वाला , ह्रदय में तूफ़ान तो भयंकर उठा था पर मैंने भी बहुत शांत स्वर में पूछा था ” तुम ही क्यों नहीं छोड़ देते मुझे ? ” आज कैफ़े में सामने टेबल पर बैठे पति पत्नी को देखते हुए , कॉफ़ी की गर्म चुस्की लेते हुए  यादों का पन्ना आँखों के आगे लहलहा गया  था I   linking the post wi...

Tomorrow I will go away #writetribeproblogger #writebravely

Today on the first day of #writetribeproblogger,  I wish to write about the  feelings of an unborn girl child. The unborn girl child comes to know that she would  be aborted the next day . These must be  the feelings inside her heart which she wants to convey to her mother .   Tomorrow , I will go away Mom , My heart beats for you and yours for me . We have developed a great bond  in these five months . I can feel you . But tomorrow I will go away . Mom , You know I am just like you , I am a girl with brown eyes and black hair , But tomorrow I will go away. Mom , When you place your hand on your belly and  try to feel me,  cuddle me , I feel so blessed . Mom, please bless me today for the last time , because tomorrow I will go away. Mom , When you sing for me , the music soothes me.  Mom, please sing a song for me today  for the last time, because tomorrow I will go away . Mom , I have been waiting for the day I would be in your arms and you would actually hug me .  Mom, please hug...