I don’t know why it happens but it does happen at times. Sometimes you hold a pen & paper and your words flow like a river and you are able to pen down 3-4 pages just in few minutes. On the other hand there are also times when you sit in your favourite corner planning to write something creative but it’s like somebody is pushing you backwards, somebody is scratching your words with its big nails . You write the name of a topic and start with the first few words. But you cut them and write another few words trying to make an effective language but again you mark a line across those words because they didnt come out as you wanted it to be.
You go to the other room or balcony if the change of vibes may help you out. But again you feel like there is no fragrance of words around which can soothe your heart .
Same was happening with me since yesterday . I tried a walk, watched one of my favourite movies on TV and took a quick nap too but I dont know why this Monster called Writer’s Block has kept my mind blocked.
Is this Monster named Writer’s Block disturbing you too ??
I tried to analyze why it was happening and what could be done to kick this monster away . Thinking and thinking, my mind concluded these points :-
I think this Monster called Writer’s Block must be because of lack of love and emotions. Whatever I was trying to think and write upon, my thoughts or words lacked the love and emotions . If it was a topic straight from my heart , then this monster just couldn’t block my way . It must be lack of loving thoughts that make incomplete blogposts or unhappy ones. Afterall, Love has the power to conquer any devil .
Another reason I could analyze was the lack of reading for the last few days. Reading acts as a motivator in anyone’s writing process. If I am not reading , my thinking capacity gets stagnant . Just like Iron rusts without use and stagnant water starts stinking , In the same way , not reading saps your mental health . How can a human mind exhale beautiful words when it is not inhaling something positive constantly.
One of the important points my mind could think was that hearty laughs are a must to blow this monster (called Writer’s Block )away . A good laugh is a stress buster as it helps in oxygenation of blood flowing to the brain . As a result the mind would be able to stay focussed on whatever task you are working on.
So Lets we all blogger friends keep giggling, keep reading each other and keep writing good,better,best . We together can strengthen to keep this monster called Writer’s Block far away .
I am taking part in WriteTribe #writetribeproblogger Challenge October 2017
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