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Showing posts from February, 2018

#Book Review: Little Maryam by Hamid Baig

The Plot Saadiq is   a  professor at Stanford University  who is better known now as Einstein of 21st century .From the  memories of Saadiq’s   childhood , the best memories are of times spent with Little Maryam .  He played with her , cared for her , shared many emotions with her  , especially near the huge banyan tree . When  the emotional  friendship bond was slowly getting converted to love just then   the   circumstances change , Saadiq and Maryam had to move apart . Saadiq traverses the journey from just being a gardener’s son to a professor at University who  even gets awarded with a nobel prize. One day when he  receives a phone call  from India , he leaves all his duties and responsibilities immediately and hurriedly boards a flight.  He finds his childhood love Maryam having met with an accident .  The accident leaves her  brain empty of many past memories . But Saadiq’s heart beats romantic again when he notices  the extraordinary meteorite ring made by Saad...

चांदनी...ओ मेरी चांदनी #sridevi

  कलागृह में लोग इकट्ठा होने  शुरू हो गए थे । परंतु आज दिलों में वो उमंग नही थी , हवाओं में घुंघरुओं सी थिरकन नही थी, चांद जैसे अपनी चांदनी बिखेरना ही भूल गया था , एक अजीब सा मर्म था चारों ओर । नृत्यकला व अभिनय की धनी चांदनी अक्सर इस कलागृह में अपनी प्रतिभा का प्रदर्शन करती थी व तालियों से पूरा कलागृह गूंजायमान हो उठता था । अपनी कला व इस कलागृह से गहन प्रेम था चांदनी को । हर बार प्रदर्शन के शुरू व अंत मे इस मंच को बड़े आदरभाव से स्पर्श करती थी , जैसे किसी बड़े के चरणस्पर्श कर दुयाएँ लेती हो । आज इस रंगमंच से आखिरी स्पर्श के लिए  लाया जा रहा था चांदनी को , ज़िन्दगी को अचानक से अलविदा जो कह गयी थी वो । नाजाने क्यूँ  अचानक  से  उस चांदनी को , उस रंग भरे बादल को प्रभु ने अपने आगोश में ले लिया । ज़िन्दगी के रंगमंच को छोड़कर , सबके दिलों पर बिजली गिराकर , कहाँ चली गयी वो चांदनी । This post is written for the prompt “Colosseum” under #fridayfotofiction hosted  by Tina and Mayuri Read  my another #fiction piece on women empowerment  

5 Foods of Punjab which Visitors Must Try

Punjab is known for its rich culture and  food,  the tadka being the most important part of any dish .  Punjabis are famous all over the world for their rich buttery love for food . U know Punjabis can talk food , walk food , think food and ofcourse eat food 😃😃😃 Here are the 5 must try foods of Punjab if you plan to visit here anytime in future . I am sharing veg dishes only as my whole family is vegetarian. 1. Sarson ka Saag /Makki di roti Sarson ka Saag is a traditional dish prepared with mustard green leaves  (sarson) , palak (spinach) and methi (fenugreek), with tadka of ginger , garlic, onion , green chillies .  This Saag is available only in winters . It is served with Makki di roti which is a roti prepared from corn meal , along with accessories of butter  , hari mirch and gur . It’s a must have dish if you wanna have the feel of Punjab – Punjab di khushboo . 2. Lassi Punjab aaye te Lassi ni peeti ??  It says If you came to Punjab and didn...

Weight Loss Tips that shifted me from XXL to XL

Updated on June 28, 2020 Weight-loss is something that can be heard being discussed in almost every group of women. Someone has gained kilos , someone inches . Someone’s thighs have become heavy and someone’s tummy is bulging front outward. Well ! I want to share my weight-loss story today which helped me  reduce from XXL to XL After my pregnancy I  gained too much of weight . My daughter in my tummy had  rewarded me an additional weight of 22 kg ( Ugh that’s too much but you know I was on complete bedrest for all those months ) Actually I was never a slim-n-sleek kind of girl . Even before pregnancy I weighed 67 kg which increased to 89 kg by 9th month of pregnancy.  Within 2-3 years of my daughter’s birth , my body  shed away 10 kg  without much effort, just by the  routine job exertion . And then my weight stood still around 79 kg  and the needle of the weighing  machine  just didn’t seem to be in a mood to displace much .  Most of the dresses had to be ...

DIY Guide To Create Your Own Inspirational Posters

Inspiration.. Motivation! Yes , a small group of words collected together or a particular image can change the way we look into our lives. So why just wait for motivation, LET’S CREATE MOTIVATION ! Something like below  :–   Seems interesting ?? So here we go …. DIY Guide To Create Your Own Inspirational Posters Motivational quotes or posters have become very common nowadays and one can often see social media  filled with these posters. But guys, have you tried to design one for your home or may be workspace? No, I’m not talking about those boring posters  that often put you to sleep. Instead I am talking about those which  excite you to wake up and step up towards your passion. Before we move onto HOW TO create such posters , here  are some tips which you should keep in mind while creating these.     Go for minimalist approach You want the reader to focus on the slogan in the poster  and you can’t afford any distraction. Designing a minimal inspirational poster i...

चौराहे पर आ गयी ज़िन्दगी #fridayfotofiction

  जैसे किसी  चौराहे पर आ गयी ज़िन्दगी पहला रास्ता खुद की तरक्की व आत्मनिर्भरता की ओर ले जाता है , तो  दूसरा रास्ता परिवार की ख़ुशी की ओर कोशिश की ताकि  दोनों रास्ते  एक साथ चल पाएं …..पर ऐसा जब मुमकिन  होता दिखाई नही दिया , तो तीसरा रास्ता अपनाना बेहतर समझा मैंने ऐसा  रास्ता , जिसमें कभी प्यार कर लिया तो कभी तकरार हो गयी कभी आत्मसम्मान पर भी समझौता कर लिया , तो कभी हठ से तुम्हें मना लिया मुझे नौकरी करके घर चलाने की तो इजाज़त मिल गयी पर  ,   “ज़्यादा हवा में मत उड़ो ” ऐसा भी सुनाया गया कभी अपने अरमानों का गला घोंट दिया तो कभी तुम्हारी हँसी में ही खुश हो ली कई बार मन आवाज़ देता है कि मुझे तो  उस  चौथे  रास्ते पर जाना था न  ?? —  “मेरी असली ख़ुशी का रास्ता”  ??   Writing for #fridayfotofiction with Tina and Mayuri                      

A Letter to my Unborn Child

    Within first year of my marriage , I had to undergo abortion.  It was followed by the feelings  of sadness, pain (more of sentimental), loss  and regret. A   loving bond  with my  unborn child that  had started nurturing , had to breakdown within  few weeks . Today I express my emotions  in this letter to my Unborn Child. A Letter to my Unborn Child  I held you inside me for few weeks ,but didn’t get a chance to hold you in my arms.  I felt your heartbeat  inside me , but couldn’t  welcome you in the world  outside. God didn’t give us a chance to cuddle  with each other , but  the memories of your little movements inside my tummy  are afresh in my mind.  Your little kicks didn’t hurt me but used to bring smile on my face. We were growing our emotional bond when God suddenly changed his plans. We were not allowed to continue our love for long but the bond we made even in those few weeks  , is  precious for me , and  it always would be. When Doctor la...