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Reflections- Happy and Sad

 R is for Reflect

I thought of reflecting over the last few years gone by and converting it into a blogpost.

2010 was the year when my daughter had turned 3 yr old and I admitted her to a playway school near our home . The name of the school was ‘The Big Apple’ and the owner/coordinator of the school was Dee Ma’am . I have forgotten her full name but that’s how everyone addressed her . I remember how I also spent an hour daily at the school during the initial 3-4 days , just to make my daughter comfortable . Slowly she fell in love with the pigeons , sparrows , rats , rabbits which Dee Ma’am was nurturing  as pets .It was an exciting phase to watch my kiddo scribbling zigzag lines on her notebooks ,  dressing her up for fancy dress competition and even taking part in mom-baby duo race on sports day . Along with all this 2010  became the year when I once again detected those  two pink lines but couldn’t sustain .

"Life is a mixture  of happy and sad moments" 

The next 2-3 years was  a  bad span of life  as my husband  lost his job . After a lot of brainstorming and research  he started his own business but something else was written in the pages of destiny . He suffered huge losses . I saw him working very hard , coming back home late at nights but I also saw how some workers took advantage of his  over polite attitude . It took hell lot of effort even to wind up all the business .

"Being too good to others can be dangerous" 

2017 became the lucky year when I started my blog . I had just no idea before what a blog meant . I didn’t have any friend or family who could guide me about starting a blog , designing it or the bigger terms like SEO or Alexa rank. I had to DIY each and every small thing . Thanks to Google and Youtube .Blogging widened my thinking – I came to know how  other people are living  , what  they were reading ,how blogging was a profession for many.

2018 I published my first ebook "Astitva" which is available on amazon.

"Determination is the key to success"

2018 also became the luckiest year when we finally could have our own little dream house. Long term planning had finally taken a shape  . We three were too excited and thoroughly enjoyed the phase between possession and shifting into the house . Daily planning about the new shopping , old items on olx , which curtains , which colour of walls etc etc etc – it was so thrilling . Ever since I had the vision of my own house I wanted a little special space for the temple in my home . I just didn’t want to hang a wooden altar on the wall as my temple . It took few days to conceptualize and then to give my vision a real shape.Some renovation and finally a little but  special space could be  created for my Kanhaji . Felt blessed .

"Work hard , Earn more , Do your best ,  accomplish your goals; but don’t ever forget to be grateful"

 2019 became the lucky year when I went for my first solo travel and that too international . I was scared a bit but once i stepped out of home , the paths cleared on their own . That became  the most memorable travel of my life . I feel thankful to my husband for that as it was just not possible without his support . 

2020 brought the world to a standstill with the pandemic , lockdown and hell lot of fear  .My father tested covid+ and after few months my husband , then my daughter and finally I too . Thank God we could come out of it with good health . 

"Make health your priority . Take care of your physical and emotional health too. Nothing feels good if you are not OK"

Life is a mixture of ups and downs , bad and good , joy and sorrow . Let's taste all its flavours . Even a  bittergourd is beneficial for health . Isn't it ? 

I am writing this post as part of #BlogchatterA2Z month long writing festival


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