Baat koi 22 saal purani hai .....When i newly learnt to drive a car , i could not well manage the constant juggle among clutch , brake and accelerator . Sometimes the car would give sudden jerk and stop because of wrong clutch timings and sometimes it would give shhhhhhhuuuuuu sounds on putting wrong gear . I used to be reluctant to park in crowded places or drive on narrow roads . Toughest was the use of reverse gear . Point is that i was not perfect in driving .
Baat koi 10 saal purani hai .....i wanted to learn swimming but i was afraid of water . When i decided to send my daughter for swimming classes , i also took the plunge to learn along with her . It took me 10 days to leave the corner of the pool and gather that courage to float . It was hell lot of a job to sync the movement of hands and legs . I am still not perfect at it 😊😊.
Baat sirf 2 saal purani hai ......i started learning calligraphy on my own . I never had an idea that it was such a vast subject . Knowing about the strokes , the x heights , the various scripts and the different tools - it's an endless journey . When i watch others' calligraphy works on instagram i sonetimes get disheartened feeling i am a dumbo . I am not at all perfect , rather an amateur artist . But i had read somewhere ' A great artist is the amateur artist who didn't quit'
To baat ye hai ......i might not be perfect at driving but i could manage to drive to my workplace , go for grocery shopping or take my mom to her kitty . And i enjoyed that humpty dumpty driving .
Though i couldn't learn the perfect swimming but i achieved a tiny level of enjoying being in a pool unlike the earlier fear of water .
I may never call myself a great calligrapher even in future but i see a far improved version of myself when i see my old works. I love when i get likes on my calligraphy posts. I am no doubt progressing in the competition with myself .
The phrase 'Done is better than perfect '- suits me . Shouldn't it be your motto too ? In all the spheres of life ?
Don't stress yourself too much or push yourself beyond limits seeking perfectionism . If it's just done , that's great ! U made an accomplishment ! Celebrate it !
Nobody is living a perfect life. Sab kaam hi chala rahe hain . So just chill and be happy ! Learn new things , explore new things , but don't wait to enjoy until u reach perfectionism. Cherish the journeys.
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Bcoz PERFECT may not be done |
I am writing this post as part of #BlogchatterA2Z month long writing challenge .
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