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Chai and Samosa Story #ShareChoresMultiplyLove #SharetheLoad

As the country announced lockdown due to the pandemic virus , it felt as if everything came to a standstill . We got  locked inside our little home and were just not allowed to go anywhere outside . My daughter’s school , mine and my husband’s office all were locked . The daily news of the COVID19 were becoming stressful . But amidst all the bad situation the world was going through  , we felt  grateful for being  safe and healthy .

The intial phases of lockdown came out as a blessing in disguise for the family . Though there was lockdown  stress all the time at the back of my mind but I was getting more and more time to spend with my family . Though the news flashing were of the positive cases , deaths , graves but I was grateful as I was getting time to spend in my prayers . Though I couldn’t step outside and meet anybody but I was happy keeping myself engaged  in creational activities –cooking , reading , writing and lettering .

There was no domestic help , so I was playing multiple roles – mopping , laundry , dishwashing , cooking and the additional work of sanitizing . One day when I got up in the morning around 7 am  , what I saw was that my kitchen sink was clean and empty . The basket full of laundry clothes was empty too and all this came out as a big surprise to me. The washing machine was running  its cycle and near it , I could see my husband standing and smiling at me . Tying my hair into a bun and rubbing my sleepy eyes , when I went near him , he kept his hand on my shoulder and asked in  a vey loving voice –“Chai peeyegi?”

O Wow ! I felt like in seventh heaven , as he had started to #sharetheload and make me feel special too .

Well ! the same  didn’t happen everyday but even that one day  brought us closer to each other .

Hey! The story doesn’t end here. As everything was locked down and we couldn’t get anything to eat from outside , he along with my daughter took the charge of kitchen one day . Should I give credit to youtube or their dedicated efforts , we relished samosas in the evening . Honestly , they were crisp and yummy !

My God ! He had never revealed his  secret talent  of cooking. That was our #ShareChoresMultiplyLove moment when I asked “Were you a chef in your previous birth ?” and he proudly lifted his collars.



samosas in the making



Turned uneven in size but yummy !

As Ariel India is celebrating  #sharetheload movement ,  I also pledge to #ShareTheLoad and help in household chores in association with Ariel India and BlogAdda .

Here’s a video I liked and want to cheer them up ! #ShareChoresMultiplyLove #ShareTheLaundry #ShareTheLoad


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