The alphabet M instantly clicks in my mind ‘Mera Lifestyle’ . What’s Mera Lifestyle ? Well it’s the positive lifestyle I want for each one of us . Every reader should be able to gain something from my blog and be able to exclamate – Yes ! That’s Mera Lifestyle !
* Mera is a hindi word which means – My
Positive lifestyle means a life blessed with fitness , happiness , motivation and growth .
Laws of Mera Positive Lifestyle
Be Motivated
The basic law to live a positive lifestyle is to remain motivated . Read good books , blogs , connect with like minded people to keep your spirits high always . Actually the motivation is there within you only but you just need to give it a shake time to time so that it remains fresh .
Be motivated by positive attitude
Can you be Pollyanna ?
‘Pollyanna’ word means a very cheerful person . I recently finished a book ‘Pollyanna’ in which a teenage girl named Pollyanna always plays ‘glad-game’ with herself as well with others . It’s an amazing way to find good even in saddest part of your life. There’s an old man in the story who is bent and works as a gardener . The girl says to the man – you should be glad that your body is bent . The man gives angry expression but the little girl says – You are already half bent , so you just have to bent little more to reach to the plants in the garden . This immediately brings smile to the man . Well it’s just about looking on the bright side of life . I think you should read the book if you haven’t .
Begin Now
Whatever you can do or dream you can , begin it . Whatever stage of life you are at and whatever resources you have , just begin it . If you are able to fulfill your dream , that’s the best . Nothing like that . If you are not able to fulfill your dream , enjoy the journey . At least you would not regret at the end that you didn’t try.
What would you like to regret at the end ?
Health , Fitness and Self-worth
Keep very good care of your health . Do all the duties God has assigned you but don’t forget to listen to your heart and love yourself . You may read something out of the following :
To involve yourself in some productive work is a must for your happiness . In the process , you can develop a new skill and at the end of the day , you have a sense of accomplishment . Try journalling your day before bed . I started it recently . I am nowadays writing in my phone notes what all i did during a day .If you have spent the whole day just eating , sleeping , watching TV or doing dishes in the kitchen , what would you journal ?
You may want to read the posts on
Listen to your heart (this is the post which I wrote when i started my blog in 2017)
Spiritual Time
Spiritual time should take an important place in your life . Whatever power you believe in , spend few minutes with that supreme . Sing/listen to a prayer , read a religious book or just sit in silence . Spiritual connection has 3 components : connection with self , with supreme , and with nature .
You can read :
Practice Gratitude . Count your blessings . Be grateful that amidst this pandemic attack on country , you are safe . Be grateful for your health , family and all other assets .
Grateful to home ( It’s when i visited my grandparents’ house after many years)
Let everyone’s lifestyle be full of positivity !
Here are few glimpses of the book ‘ The 15 invaluable laws of growth’ which can help to achieve a positive lifestyle :
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