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Joy of Monetary help #causeachatter

When the human   life is surrounded by negativity , tension , fights , stress , hunger , poverty , disease , deaths , many kind of thoughts come up in one’s  mind .

When you listen to the news of fast spreading virus and deaths here and there , the mind goes speechless and thoughtless at times . It feels scary too . How  unpredictable Life is ! You never know how long you are going to live on this planet .

Whatever life span  one has been granted , one should make it a worthy living . Our life should be meaningful and be able to do something good for others too . That’s what I am blogging  under #causeachatter .

Joy of spreading positive vibes
Joy of monetary help
Our religion gives the concept of Dasvand 
Keep aside some budget for charity every month
Tiny gestures to adopt for monetary help

 ‘Doing something good for others’

Let’s start doing little good things for others. Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts . 

Joy of spreading  Positive vibes

The simplest and foremost good we can do for others is to send good vibes their way . Law of vibration says -Vibrate good and good will follow you back .

Joy of monetary help

Our other good effort in the  direction of making world a better place  can be the monetary help  .

Helping someone with however small amount of money  can bring joy equally to the receiver as well the giver.

You may be earning less or have lots of family financial responsibilities . But as it is said  – Giving never makes you poor .

You make a living by what you earn but you make a life by what you give . 

monetary help

Concept of Dasvand in our religion

In Sikh religion , the Gurus  started the concept of Dasvand – that is an act of donating tenth part of one’s harvest as sewa . The idea was that your earnings get pious  when you donate some of it as charity . If not ten percent , you can always start by donating five percent or may be just one percent. Giving , sharing , donating , bringing smiles to someone always makes you richer .

Keep small amount of  money for charity every month

Donate  a small amount of money for charity every month . And it would be better if you keep that budget aside before you make other expenditures . As the financial advisors suggest that one should save first and then do all other  expenses out of one’s income , same way one should do charity first and then do everything else . Donate money , may be as little as 100 rupee a month , but make it a habit .

Little monetary Gestures you can adopt :

  • Don’t bargain with a vegetable vendor.
  • Experience the joy of buying a burger for the kid who’s begging outside McDonalds .
  • Don’t cut the salary of your maid when she takes a leave .
  • Buy balloons or toys from the kids who are selling at traffic lights , whether you need or not .
  • Go to an orphanage and donate the items which they need .
  • No need to donate chunks of  money at the BIG religious places , there’s a large world who can become happier with  your tiny monetary gestures.
  • Give a small Diwali gift to a needy poor person too , in addition to the many costly gifts you exchange with your friends .
  • On your next  birthday or anniversary , you can make an effort not to  visit a hotel for party and donate the estimated amount as charity . Just try it once and feel the joy it brings .


  • monetary help

More you give , more you receive

There can be number of tiny gestures for monetary help . You just need to find the opportunities around you . One thing is for sure that the more you give , the more you receive . God takes care of that . That’s a happiness cycle Nature has created .

Experience the joy of monetary help , it is the easiest also if you are a busy person with lots of responsibilities . It makes you feel fulfilled . And in case  you are not able to spare even little money for charity , you should continue to practice how to use  bouncing balls to spread  positivity.












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