Fitness for women over 40 is a topic of discussion which I notice at my workplace , with my cousins and also on social media . Whatsapp and Facebook are a great source of all the gyan but they become a source of tension too at times . Watching all other posting smart pics or videos of them doing treadmill , may force our minds to go into a comparison mode and we start feeling depressed . Isn’t it ?
I am neither a fitness expert nor a woman with a perfect fitness level . But I can share some practical tips for you on ‘Fitness for women over 40’ .
Kick the idea out of your mind that it’s difficult to maintain fitness over 40
Nothing is impossible . Even health experts say that fitness can be achieved at any age . By fitness you want energy , muscular strength , good metabolism and a body in shape . You may not get a slim figure as the girls of 20s but you can definitely be graceful . So first of all kick the stupid fact that it’s difficult to maintain fitness over 40 .
Be determined not to make excuses for fitness routine
You , being the home manager , have endless tasks to do . And if you are working also then it’s double the list . But if you want fitness you have to be determined to adopt a routine , may be of few minutes . Consistency is the key .
Stop procrastinating .
Stop repeating ‘Time hi nahi hai‘
Fitness for women over 40 – Begin at home
Cardio workout
Cardio workout is the thing that pushes your blood fast through veins . It may be brisk walk , skipping , aerobics or zumba .
If you want to go outside home and walk , it’s perfect . Otherwise if you want fitness completely within your home , try skipping . You may find it difficult in the beginning . Start with just 10 jumps . Continue same for 2 days . Third day you increase it to 20 or 30 as body agrees . Within days you will be able to take it up to 100 jumps .
How skipping just 100 a day reduced my size ?
Skipping is the workout which tones your whole body and is the fastest if you want to lose fat around thighs or waist .
If you don’t like skipping as your piece of cake , look out for some youtube videos on aerobics or zumba for beginners . Start slowly with few minutes of this dance cardio . I am sure you will soon fall in love with it .
Benefits of Cardio workout
- Weightloss
- Controls blood pressure
- Better sleep
- Better immune system
- Makes you happy
- You feel energetic
- No money required , just a data connection for playing youtube
Planking is an excellent workout for your entire body . Doing them every day will burn more calories than other traditional abdominal exercises .
Classic elbow plank and side plank are my choice, with focus even more on side plank as i feel worried about that tyre around the waist . I still have to learn about other kind of planks .

That’s ME doing elbow plank
Benefits of doing Planks
- Core muscle strengthening
- More flexibility
- If you remain consistent , it helps in back strengthening
- fat loss
- better posture
- no money required , just a stopwatch to note the hold time
Yoga is wonderful choice when it comes to fitness for women over 40 . It combines stretching and strengthening exercises along with breathing and meditation . It’s a complete body-mind workout .
Start with different kinds of pranayama for few minutes every morning . It will help you stay calm and energetic . Yoga makes an emphasis on mindfulness too . So being mindful may become a part of your life , while doing any kind of work – reading , cooking or eating.
You can choose yoga exercises as per your body needs . Like I choose the ones keeping my lower back pain in mind . They work out so effectively for me.
Benefits of Yoga
- Flexibility
- good stretch for your body
- Stress reduction
- brings calmness
- fat loss
- no money required , just a mat
Nutritious food
Diet plays an important role in fitness for women over 40. Do take care of your diet . Don’t neglect yourself just taking care of all others in the family . Cook some delicious and nutritious snacks just for yourself and enjoy your company .
- Kick refined sugar out of your diet
- Control your carbohydrates
- Increase your fibre intake
- Make nuts an essential part of your diet
- Walnuts are Fox nuts are the key ingredients in fitness for women over 40
The Bottom line
Fitness can begin any time . Start at any age wherever you are, right from the comfort of your home .
When you work for your fitness , The result is great results in physical as well emotional well being .
Please don’t make excuses . No Pain No Gain ! Take out time for yourself . You have to take care of your well-being yourself .
Incorporating any kind of fitness routine can help enhance your health, increase strength and flexibility and reduce symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety.
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