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Which Lifestyle and Habits keep me going ?

What kind of person I am ?

Before I start writing about my habits , let me write about the kind of a person I am . I am a simple woman –not too much after fashion , brands or  make-up . I am most of the times a smiling person . It’s not that  I do not get angry , but I have observed that my anger lasts only for few minutes . I yell it away and then suddenly my smile is back. I also have the ‘Let-go’ tendency . That keeps me stress free in many situations . Now analyzing all these things , what should I call myself ?

Will the word   ‘Easy-going’ be suitable ?


‘Easy-going’ is the person who keeps himself at ease while moving through Life

In everybody’s life there are ups and downs , smiles and stress. Not all days are good . But on the same time not all days are bad . And you will agree that some days go very good . When I spent the good days excitedly with smiles , then I should be having enough strength to  move across the bad days without frowns .

‘Easy-going ‘ doesn’t mean that I am  a carefree person . I am responsible enough at my workplace or in family matters but You know whenever Life poses me  a tough situation I just don’t think too much about it causing me stressed out . ‘Easy-going’ means without undue worry .

I allow ‘Time’ to  to smooth out the tough situations at its own pace   . And in the mean time , I distract my mind to something else . Blogging is a great help in that case .

Have you heard the story ‘Vaqt’ ?

There is a small story . Once a man asked a saint “ Please tell us something which if heard in bad times makes us feel good and if heard in good times makes us feel bad” . The saint replied “Ye vaqt bhi guzar jayega

Yes the time will keep moving . Good time has to come after bad time is over . After every dark night , there’s a bright sunrise . So what if it’s cloudy on some days ? Sun is there but just hiding itself for sometime .

‘Easy-going’ is the person who maintains an attitude of ‘Let-go’

In today’s rushing life there are many situations or even people with whom it becomes difficult at times to adjust. At  home , if I have a heated argument with my husband over a task , I let it go . I do the task myself . But not always . Actually I sometimes just don’t do that task and in that case, when  my husband starts grumbling  I ‘let-go’ of that grumble   and distract my mind to listening music .

At work place , if some co-worker cooked something behind my back  , I just let it go , rather I enjoy that masala cooking .

I had some bad times , some people hurt me or whatever , I just ‘Let-go’ . That was all past . Let my bad times not weigh me down .


‘Easy-going ‘ is the person who is able to maintain his smile

As I said earlier I am most of the times a smiling person . Even when I get angry ,I yell it away and instantly my smile is back . I am yet to work towards my yelling habit but as far as I think if it is keeping me stress free it is perfectly fine .

Maintaining a smile , finding happiness in little things or the ability to keep one’s inner self at ease even under pressure is the real secret I think .

Prayers help me be ‘Easy-going’

I don’t do much of meditation or prayers . I just light a diya at home daily in the evening . I just sit for 4-5 minutes in front of the altar . That is enough . That boosts me morally that yes !  there is a supreme power taking care of everybody  in this universe .

On the days when my mind is jammed because of some reason , I spend more minutes singing a bhajan or just listening to some meditation music . My prayers help me be always ‘Easy-going’ .

Being grateful for all that God has gifted you with is also a kind of prayer and it is quite effective .

Self-confidence  and a learning attitude  keeps me  ‘Easy-going’

My dad has imbibed confidence in me to face all situations in life with courage and confidence . You know what he says ‘Gir Gir ke hi to seekhte hain . The strength to rise up every time you fall makes a person self-confident . Make mistakes but learn from them .

Learning something or the other keeps me busy , excited and happy . There doesn’t have to be something extraordinary.

I  read a book , I learn something from it . I learn a new dish from my friend , I try it out . Whether it turns out fluffy or hard ,  but if I  try  a new task  I would learn something out of it for sure.

I sign-up for a blogging campaign , I think about it and then I write . In the process my brain is working and I am learning .

I was talking to somebody , he/she said something that touched me and I learnt out of it .

Learning is all around us

I will tell you a small conversation between me and my daughter that happened yesterday only . My husband had gone out of station and he was expected to be back by night . In the evening around 7pm he messaged that he would get very late and  would reach home in the middle of night . My mind was immediately  relieved of cooking the dinner . I told my daughter that Papa would be late and we could go with 2 minute maggi or khichdi  for dinner  . She immediately said in a firm loud voice  “ Do you cook only for Papa ? Go and cook something tasty for me and you”

You see! there was a learning in this small episode . We women often take ourselves for granted . We hardly do anything especially for ourselves . We love caring for all family members except us . So I immediately got up and as per my daughter’s demand I fried bread pakoras and French fries for her and palak pakodas just for myself .

So learning is everywhere around us ,we just have to have a learning positive attitude . No great thoughts , motivational talks or books are needed everytime .

We all can be ‘Easy-going’

Well we all can be ‘Easy-going’ . It’s just a small change in attitude . Why  take life as serious or stressful ? We all know how unpredictable Life is . Anything can happen anytime . Over  the last few days only I witnessed a co-worker’s death and a friend’s serious health trouble . When You see such incidents you start thinking different about life . Let there be less of  rushing ,  not too many future plannings , less of  grudges , less of stress . Let Life be ‘Easy-going’

Let Go of everything that weighs you down .  Lighten up yourself . Be  ‘Easy-going’

This post is part of #geetturns3 blogging celebrations cohosted by Zainab and Ashvini










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