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Reading is to the Mind what Exercise is to the Body

I do like reading but I can’t call myself an avid reader . I keep reading something or the other but I don’t have a big collection of books . Reading does relax me but I have never got very serious about reading as a fitness for my mind . Books do attract me every time and I think that is an instinct I received as a gift in my genes  from my father . He is a literature person , loves reading and has a huge collection of books on different genres .

As the year comes to an end , my mind was analyzing  how the  year 2019 went for me . In the process I also made a list of all what i read in this year . I was happy to notice that I read 10 books in this year . That’s a big number for me !

Here is what I read in 2019

In the  year going by , I have always kept some or the other book in my kindle library . Some books were so engrossing that I  finished them  happily while some other couldn’t interest me much and so I left them midway .

For the year 2020 I have decided to boost my reading . After all I have known since childhood :

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body”

Benefits of Reading:

Reading relaxes you

Reading a book takes you into a different world , you get to feel the  thoughts of other people …you get engrossed with  a new character and his/her story …..Definitely Reading takes you away from your own space , you get drifted away from your problems for a while . You get a lesson to learn from the book or the book just blesses you with emotions . As  the saying  :

You live several lives while reading  

Reading strengthens your writing and expression

More you read , better you are able to express yourself in writing . Whatever goes in , in the same form comes out .  Good writing is  creativity , Creativity comes from a vast thinking ability and thinking ability is enhanced by more and more reading . So it’s good to read more to write better . By reading more , your vocabulary also gets widened which helps you in writing .

Reading can help prevent Depression

Many times there are circumstances of hopelessness in one’s life . In that case the   self help books can help  push the parts of brain which can boost happiness index . Instead of scrolling on whatsapp for some motivational quotes all the time it’s much better to keep a good book in your kindle and read it as and when you get a little time .

There are many other benefits also and above all it improves your Focus making you  a Better person .

Having benefits of reading in my mind with the words FOCUS and BETTER on the top , I wanted to be part of a reading challenge in 2020. I came across two good reading challenges – first with Shinjini and the second one with Rachael .

I finally go for the Book Bingo Reading Challenge along with my blogger friend Shinjini . The whole challenge has 25 prompts from different genres and I plan to Bingo 3 or 4 rows/columns  . Focussing on the prompts and to give my reading challenge a good start , I have already designed an exclusive shelf on goodreads .


The 2020 book bingo reading challenge prompts

Hoping for a Better and Creative 2020  ! A New year should have  new resolutions .

As I am writing this ,geared up for 2020 with the Book Bingo challenge , my daughter also takes a step forward for a new beginning   . She decides to go for the other reading challenge with Rachael . It feels happy to see children imitating .  That’s the best we as parents can gift them .

Here’s what my daughter has to say

Now that we both are  taking  part in these  challenges I am sure our 2020 will be full of book talks , discussing which books to get & where to get ,   sharing our readings and of course sharing the  learnings .

My good wishes for myself and my daughter !



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