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Education 5E Model : Which are the most important Es ?

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Hi ! My name is Monika and  I am a teacher . I am working in the field of Education or should I say the field of Teaching-Learning for the last 18 years . My Basic educational qualification is Bachelor of Science (Mathematics  & Physics as the main subjects ) followed by Masters in Physics . So I have been teaching these two subjects for the last so many years . I have spent more years teaching Mathematics than Physics .

When we talk of Teaching-Learning or Education  , there are many theories and approaches  available. One of them is constructivist approach to learning . It  focuses on the principle that Knowledge must be constructed and not just transmitted.

Unlike Traditional approach in the classroom , Constructivist approach focuses that the teacher poses problems and questions for the students . The students themselves try to find the solutions based on their prior learning . All this promotes curiosity and creativity among the students.

I have often used the constructivist approach in my mathematics classes but sometimes you have to shift to the traditional blackboard method too. After all there is many times a zero error between theory and the real practical classroom. The reason may be a complicated formula , shortage of time , stress to finish the vast syllabus , the need to tackle those few  indisciplined students in the class , teacher’s involvement in many other activities apart from the subject , his/her own health or even the low enthusiasm of the  institution as a whole .

Well , keeping aside the minor errors , whenever I have used constructivist learning approach in my class , the results have been encouraging –both for the teacher as well for the student .

5E Model of Education


The Model is based on Constructivist learning approach.

5E stand for :

  • Engage
  • Explore
  • Explain
  • Elaborate
  • Evaluate

This is how my understanding of the 5E model goes :-


In the first phase of the learning process , you -as the  teacher , work to gain an understanding of the students’ prior knowledge . Ask them some questions whose answers you are sure that they know . When they answer correctly  , give a smile or a pat on their back . This way you are able to make a friendly connection with your students . That connection is something very important for the first phase of the learning process “Engage”  .Next is to engage the students in some creative activity which they can start to perform on the basis of their prior knowledge . Do  keep ready an upcoming concept to be concluded from that activity.


During the exploration phase, students actively explore the new concept through concrete learning experiences. They might be asked to discuss with their peers to make observations. This phase allows students to learn in a hands-on way.


Engage and Discuss with Peers


This is a teacher-led phase that helps students understand new concepts and ask questions if they need further clarification. This is the phase when you as a teacher can make use of some sort of presentations or videos for their better understanding.


This is the application phase of  5E Model where students apply their newly learnt knowledge in some problems ,and as a result  develop a deeper understanding.


Last phase is evaluation when you as a teacher can observe the students and see whether they have understood the fundamentals of the new concepts.


Which are the two most important Es of the 5E Model ?

No doubt all the phases of the 5E model of Education are equally important and valuable for learning but my teaching experience says that the first two phases of the  5E model  based on constructivism learning approach , are the most important phases .

First important phase ‘Engage’

If you have engaged the student well with your activities , with your teaching strategy , with yourself , then half the battle is won. The student has started feeling a connection with you and your teaching method . A special kind of  bond  starts developing between the student and the teacher , and this connection is very important for achieving the overall educational objectives .

Second important phase ‘Explore’

Whenever a student explores a concept on his own , it may be a very little concept , that always makes a deep mark on the student’s learning platform . He is able to apply that concept almost everywhere in any of the tricky problems .

When the teacher plays the role of engaging the students actively, develop their curiosity, then the students’ creativity is bound to fly and the real learning happens so.

Let’s have a good, deep and interesting Teaching-Learning.

I never teach my pupils . I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn–Albert Einstein


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