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Quotes for Self-improvement

The quality of a great quote is that it contains a wealth  of wisdom. You often tend to look for some quotes about the various domains of life -happiness , motivation , determination , success and what not . I am also a great fan of quotes .

We  all are actually searching for  self-improvement .  The quotes inspire us all  , improve the quality of our thoughts and in turn bring a quality life .

Quotes about self-improvement 

We first make our habits and then our habits make it.

What a strong quote by John Dryden , an English poet .

It’s very important to adopt  good habits in life . Our habits determine the quality of our life . But sometimes we find it so difficult to adopt a new habit , we do try it , but lack of determination makes us tire after few days only . Our body is not able to cope up with the new stress associated with replacing old behaviour with the new one . But we must keep in mind that once we are able to make a good habit , then that good habit brings quality to our life . So study yourself , analyze what necessary habits you need to inculcate , work on them and be consistent . Don’t give up. Work on self-improvement .

Don’t compare yourself with others. Compare yourself with the person you were yesterday.

There is a lot of comparison in our lives today . We do many things just out of comparison ,especially  buying Things. But Comparison is the thief of joy . If you want to compare , compare yourself with the person you were yesterday . See if you have improved even a bit than yesterday . Do you feel happier than yesterday ? Did you do any act of kindness today which you couldn’t do yesterday ? Did you read something good today ? Could you learn anything new today ? It can be any little thing but you should try to improve yourself than you were yesterday .

The best way to overcome fear is to face it .

Many times we fear in life –  fear of  not able to do things perfectly , fear of being judged , fear of failure . Daily life even brings some tiny fears -like speaking in front of an audience , keeping our point of view boldly or learning any new skill . But you must try the tasks which scare you , because the best way to overcome fear is to face it . Dare and start the task   , let it scare you , keep facing it till you start scaring it .

Here’s something on fear of failure

Your body can do anything , It’s the mind you have to convince .

It’s all in the mind . Your body can bear any types of hard stress , struggle or challenge . But it’s your mind which obstructs you many times . If your will-power is strong you can do anything . Determination is the ladder to success .

Swami Vivekananda’s quotes 

Dreams are for dreamers. Goals are for achievers.

It’s a powerful quote by Arnold Schwarzenegger . Don’t just be a dreamer , who wants to achieve big things but  is resistant to work towards it . Never stop dreaming but you need  to actually  start working on your dream also  . Stop complaining your luck , form some realistic goals and then work hard towards them . Be determined and see yourself become an achiever . In the journey , ignore the negative people who come as hurdles or de-motivators . As the founder of Amazon Jeff Bezos says

“Life’s too short to hang out with people who aren’t resourceful”

“You have to lean into future and figure out what to do because complaining isn’t a strategy”

 None can destroy iron, but its own rust can! Likewise none can destroy a person, but his  own mindset can!

This is a quote by Ratan Tata , the famous industrialist . Your own mind , your own thoughts can build you or destroy you . If you have positivity inside you , you can self-improve , you can spread  happiness around , and also yourself feel calm . But if somehow negativity occupies your mind then it may degrade you quickly -lowering your self esteem and stressing you out .

So keep yourself always filled with positivity , always in search of self-improvement , work with determination , struggle and meet success .

 Wealth of wisdom is there in and around you . Collect the real wealth of thoughts and live a happy quality life . 



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