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11 Keywords for Happiness SEO #Prerna #BlogchatterA2Z

We are working hard everyday  – we are earning money , buying new things , proud to  have a long online friend list  ,  flaunt our new dresses or the holiday tour moments  on social media and then count the likes or comments .  What are we trying to achieve  out of all this ?

We are earning money because money can buy us anything which may make us happy . We buy new clothes , big car or latest gadgets because we want to keep ourselves updated , we make long friend list on social media because we want others to know how happy our  life is going on .Ultimately we all are in search of happiness .


Like SEO is important for anything on the internet , so is the Happiness SEO important in our life . SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization , which means optimizing the content so as to have the greater visibility in the virtual world . Same is with Happiness . You need to optimize your life so as to experience  greater happiness.

Like there are keywords in all the fields  – content creation , marketing , blogging , social media , so are there keywords for happiness in Life .

What are the keywords for Happiness SEO ?

1.  Find Joy in the ordinary

Many times you are in the want of something more or something Big to happen in life to feel happy . But be cautious if you are missing the daily joys of Life . Don’t wait for anything extraordinary to happen for your happiness . Enjoy the tiny joys in your life . Enjoy the morning hurry when you kiss your child hurriedly before leaving for office , enjoy the minor legpulling in office, enjoy the evening chatters of your child  ,enjoy the minor stresses of daily life .


2. Have  an energizing routine affair

Try to maintain a routine affair which keeps you energized- whether getting up early and going for walk or meditation , any hobby session twice or thrice a week , evening gym , or a hearty talk with a dear one . This really has the power to lower your  stress index  and increase your happiness index .

Fitness in 30 minutes 

3.  Develop the habit of Gratefulness

Aiming high , working hard towards your goals is very important but simultaneously feeling grateful for all you have is equally significant . Start counting your blessings and be grateful . Gratefulness brings more happiness .

4. Learn something new

Going by the routine affairs of home and office , taking care of all family members , it’s equally important to keep yourself inspired . Don’t let your life become a stagnant pool . Push yourself , learn something new , read often (not just whatsapp plz ) , try any work which you feel harder . You’ll see that your personality gets polished as you make constant efforts for that work .

Be determined 

5. Focus on your fitness

Maintaining a good health is the most important keyword for happiness . When you suffer even from a tiny cold-cough , you just don’t feel like doing anything . So it’s very important to take care of your health . Eat healthy , don’t eat too much , maintain ideal weight , jog , cycle ,swim ,play a sport , sweat ,  look smart , feel fit and stay energized.

How did I loose weight ? 



6. Few moments with the Supreme power

Happiness index is automatically boosted by the supreme invisible power . Sit in silence for few minutes and try to focus on your inner consciousness , Light a diya in your home temple and sit with folded hands , enjoy chanting or read any spiritual literature , try to feel the nature’s magic – let your eyes meet the rising  Sun or calm your heart  by the twinkling of millions of stars at night .

Life management tips I learnt when I read Bhagavad Gita 

7. Stop complaining , Stop judging

Analyze yourself how often you are complaining about your past or what you don’t possess . Work hard for something you don’t have but don’t complain . Complaining can’t make things better .happiness

And second important thing is that you stop judging others . If you want to judge , judge your abilities , your talents . When you complain or judge others , negativity piles up in your mind and the unseen stress rises . Why to judge others ? Everybody has his own problems and circumstances . Let them be . If you want to do something , listen to them heartily and help in any way you can .

8. Be Yourself .

Don’t behave different from what you actually are . Don’t be an actor . Be in your original character always . There’s no need to change your personality in front of your boss or your in-laws .

Say what you feel right , Do what you want , Laugh out loud , behave stupid with friends , don’t worry if food got burnt in the kitchen , don’t feel bad  if you had argument with someone , don’t feel guilty if you overslept someday or anything like that . Remember the principle Better you go mad .

9. Done is better than perfect

Often you  want to do the things in perfect manner . You feel guilty if you  were not able to do it as perfect as others could . STOP craving for the perfect , the ideal . If you have completed the task ,it’s commendable . Feel pride as you accomplished it fully – Perfect or Just Ok , it’s totally fine . Give yourself a pat .

10. Adventure , Travel and Music

Adventure , Travel and Music make you feel fully alive . They can lift your mood and bring smile back on your face . They rejuvenate your soul . Travel , experience nature , experience new places , different cultures , Listen to music – sing out loud . Take risks and feel the adventure in new experiences .

 my Rafting adventure 

Do you want to listen to a poem on Overcoming Fear ? 

11. Enjoy the journey

Focus always on the journey , not the destination . Work passionately , put all your energy , hope for the best , strive for success but also enjoy the journey of Life . There may be some failures but that doesn’t mean that you lost . It’s not at all a failure if you happily enjoyed the journey . You definitely learn many things on the go .

So Keep Going ! Push yourself ! Enjoy every day ! Stay Happy !

#Prerna wishes you a bundle full of happiness .

Still don’t know what is #Prerna ? Click here





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