Firstly , Wish you all a very happy #InternationalWomensDay
With the arrival of #InternationalWomensDay , there is a marathon of discussions and celebrations on Women . People want to know about history of Women’s day , want to define womanhood , know about feminism and shout out loud especially on social media .
What is womanhood and why this #InternationalWomensDay ?
Women’s day is celebrated globally every year on 8th of March. The day is to mark women’s struggle for equality . Isn’t it strange that even the 21st century couldn’t bring equality in the minds ? Somewhere or the other a balance is still missing between the two genders.
My mind questions – Why is this gender balance still not up to the mark ? Why women need to struggle against so many challenges ? Why a man doing household chores is seen as odd ? Why is a woman asked not to be out of home when it gets dark ? Why is a woman advised to make compromises in family ? Many more of such questions bother me . Don’t they bother you ?
Blogger Vinitha Dileep feels bothered to notice when a woman tells that her husband takes care of the baby or that he cooks, it’s usually received with gasps. He is helping out his family, why the surprise then? Men should be involved in the household chores from washing dishes to doing laundry just like his better-half goes for her work and earns. And he should speak about it without hesitance.
In the year 2019 the theme for #InternationalWomensDay is #BalanceforBetter , which means we need to restore the gender balance . This can be achieved by collective efforts of all and not by the voice of few feminists .
Few of us form a team and join to celebrate together the essence of womanhood , here is what people want to say :-
*Blogger Dr Amrita Misra says on womanhood :
“Womanhood is a chance to be nature’s most creative part”
*One of my colleagues , an educationist , Ms Anita Khanna , wants to share Shri Gurunanak Dev Ji’s message that from a woman , a man is born. From a woman , a woman is born . Without a woman , there would be no world at all . She says ” So kyu manda aakhiye jit jamme rajaan ” means why to call a woman bad from whom kings are born ? I hope all could well understand this verse .
What powerful messages are given by these women ! Let’s together make some voice and create a new definition of womanhood . By the way why do we want to define it ? I think ” To define is to limit ” . Apart from her biological definition , a woman has so many aspects of her personality – happiness , emotions , love , strengths , courage …..Please stop asking for definitions . Your definitions may put a limit to her strengths .
Celebrate Self-Love . Celebrate Women’s day everyday.
I am a woman . If you ask me to tell you more about myself then I would enlist – I am tall , beautiful , bold , courageous , well educated and earning well . I am not boasting off …this is how am I . Yes I am beautiful – Beautiful from inside and I really love my inner self .
There are many people in my life who feel I have been rude to them or I am a woman with an Attitude . To all those I want to say – If you think so then Yes I am a woman with an Attitude . I have a positive and learning attitude towards life . Don’t judge me by my tone , try to sync with my heart which always keeps a helping attitude towards all . I also try to practice the Gratefulness attitude too for all that I am blessed with . Besides this , my mind has a visionary attitude that tends to ignore negative people in my life and focus on my own .
I love my attitude towards life . Yes I do .
When I talk of loving my attitude towards life or loving my inner beauty , Can’t you feel my #SelfLove ?
Self-love is very important . I want to celebrate Women’s day with Self-Love .
[tweetshare tweet=”Be yourself . Love yourself . Feel proud of what you are and never depressed of how others see you . #SelfLove ” username=”sharealubhujia”]
When I asked one of my cousins Deepika Devgan how she would like Women’s day to be celebrated , this is the deep message she gave in a small sentence :
“Celebrate womanhood . No need to celebrate Women’s day “
Seriously , If woman – The Shakti , was treated equal in all respects then there would have been no need of celebration of any particular women’s day . As Blogger Dr Amrita gives the message of educating more and more women and making them financially independent , another blogger Dr Bushra strongly asks for working on root level for empowering women around us and one of my friends Ms Amita Ghai wants that freedom of women is ensured in the real sense – freedom to work , freedom to think and freedom from all those mindless inhibitions created by the society .
Another sweet friend Vartika gives a message to all the women out there “Women ! We have the divine power to bring new soul in this world. We are the pillars of our families, the world of our kids. Never do disservice to yourself, just love yourself as we are the best and most beautiful creation of God.” Read more of her thoughts
Has a woman become empowered ? What’s Women Empowerment actually ?
A woman , rich or poor ,educated or uneducated , earning well or just spending all her life in domestic chores , every woman at some or the other turn in her life feels that empowerment is a Big term which will take many more years to happen in real for women . As Blogger Ms Mughdaa forcefully says ” Mindsets need to change” & my bird lover friend Navpreet says ” Women empowerment has started as a passenger train . I don’t know when can i expect it to be a bullet train ” Haha that was an interesting answer .
The mindsets of society are so much deep rooted that if a woman speaks up boldly against something she may be termed as idiot . If a woman works till late in the office , many doubtful eyes may follow her . If a woman decides to get a divorce , she may be judged of an ill character . Dear society , Please change your mentally ill mindsets . Let a woman just be herself . Let her live her life as she wants . Don’t always try to teach her this or that . Don’t play with her . She’s not your toy .
Blogger Dr Surbhi Prapanna says ” Women Empowerment needs more of a practical approach rather than just discussions ”
Blogger Alpana Deo says ” Every woman is a superwoman in her own . She is the one who motivates others . She is the one who becomes backbone and strength of her family . Salute to every Nari . All should help her being empowered”
Blogger Aesha Shah feels the need to educate our sons about gender equality so that a valuable new generation blossoms .
Women share their happiness mantras
I think every one of has devised his/her own happiness mantra , something which lets one calm down , and feel happy even in the stressful times . I asked a team of women to share their happiness mantras and it was interesting to get to know the different perspectives .
My biggest happiness mantra is ” Just Let it Go . Let TIME heal many of my problems ” Really this mantra works for me . Read about my other self-care mantras .
My blogger friend Ila Verma says ” Do good and good comes back . Spread smiles because it doesn’t need language to decipher happiness ”
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