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Fitness Conscious ---Yes I am, Are you ? Here are the 6 Steps towards Fitness

We all want to be fit .We all want to look smart and feel healthy. We all want to go to the ‘L’ section while shopping latest fashion clothes. Who wants to go to Plus Size shops ?  Nobody.  Well we all want to be in shape , we all want to be healthy , we all talk about Fitness , all of us have the knowledge about the things to be avoided or the tips to be followed for being healthy . But still where is the real fitness ? You may say – I don’t have the time to walk or exercise  , I get back so late from office-where is the time left for gym? The excuses can be many….Yes Excuses !

You don’t have to be doing very intensive gym or workouts. Even little changes in your daily routine can help you out .Be conscious about your Fitness . Every step—-little or big , will take you towards a better YOU. I am saying it from my personal experience . I am Fitness Conscious . Are you ? If not , You can become . Just give it a try .

Be Fitness Conscious
  1. Don’t make excuses

You want to be Fit , so you have to make  the efforts yourself . Stop making excuses .If you really want to do something , you will definitely find time for it .Otherwise keep making a fool of yourself out of that long list of excuses . Remember- Excuses out , Results in !

  • 2. Start with small steps towards Fitness

The small steps towards a healthier  and smarter YOU can be drinking hot water on an empty stomach , avoid lifts and use stairs , lessen your sugar intake  or go light at your dinner . Such tips if followed have the power to bring the glow from within.

3. Have lot of water all through the day

Starting from having hot water on empty stomach , try to consume 3-4 litres of water all through the day .Keep your water bottle always in the reach of your eye so that you can keep sipping time and again. Water is a great source to keep yourself hydrated and refrain yourself from unnecessary eating .

4. Cut Down Carbohydrates and say NO to Junk

Few tips especially for weightloss

Try to cut down on carbs . Have more of salads ,fruits , nuts and protein. They will help nourish your body along with the desired weightloss. Try to  refrain yourself from any junk food you happen to have –may be burgers , pizza, chips or even cookies . Try to have ghar ka khana for all your meals and you can keep almonds or roasted chana in your purse for those ‘feel like eating’ moments

5.Follow any one exercise schedule and Be consistent

Start with any exercise schedule that suits you and at any time that is convenient . You can start with a 30 minute walk in the morning or evening , spare 15 minutes for yoga or 10 minutes of skipping or even few minutes of dance . Any exercise you start with but please be consistent with it . May be it takes long but you will definitely feel the results .

6. Make a team of ‘Fitness Conscious’ friends

Many times it happens that we start working towards our  fitness goals but we either get bored or we just don’t have the patience to wait for the results . My Dear friend , nothing comes free in this world . You have to earn it . Fitness is earned best in a good company of ‘Fitness Conscious’ friends .So make a team , motivate each other , make some dance moves , exercise , laugh out and enjoy the spirit of Fitness .

So Go ahead , start today itself and makeyour first move towards being ‘Fitness Conscious’

In my next post I would be sharing thefitness routine that I am following now-a-days .

Till then… Biee


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