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Our journey from Togetherness to Love

togetherness and love Hey ! How are you ? It’s been so long that I wrote a post . No doubt that  I was missing writing , I was missing my blog and of course I was missing you , but something or the other was keeping me away from my desktop. Today I am back again as there are lot many things creating waves  in my mind waiting to be splashed  down before the running year 2018 ends and a new journey 2019 begins . But hold on ! I am not going to write today about my 2018 memories or the new year resolutions . That I will do few days later .

December month is special to me as it is the month of my anniversary .Yay ! It was  my  anniversary on 8th Dec 2018 and we have completed 14 years of togetherness .

Anniversary is thought to be the celebration of Togetherness and Love  . Saying 14 years of togetherness is fine But…..Love ? I can’t say it  14 years of Love , because Love  took its time to develop  . It just didn’t happen overnight . Love was  sowed and then got nourished slowly over the years with small consistent efforts and happy moments . Love is a journey and it is ongoing .

What was our journey from Togetherness to Love ? 

After our families decided to tie us in nuptial knot , came the season of unlimited phone messages , few exciting but shy meetings , and exchange of some memorable gifts . Very soon  came the Big Day –The day every girl waits for in her life . As I was slowly moving towards the stage with my cousins and friends , my heart wanted Him to make me feel special . And to my surprise!  my wish got answered . Coming forward ,extending  a warm hand and  a loving smile , he whispered ‘Welcome’ to me &  held my hand with sort of flimsy grip to move on to the stage .My cousins and friends went hooting and hollering  ‘Hoooooo……” .  That was the start of Love , and I was happy for that flimsy grip , it felt more loving than the days when our hands awkwardly just brushed against each other .


After marriage , all these years have not been very rosy- rosy/ cozy-cozy . There were fights and  arguments but there were smiles and care also . In the initial years , At times he doubted me on my coming late from office but after few years when he happily allowed me to go on an official tour for 10 days , I loved him. Yes ! I loved him for his trust in me . 


Earlier , when I used to drive car and he sat alongside , he always had that cliche in his mind that females can’t drive good . He kept pointing me like ” Look in the rear view mirror ………Go slow yaar ……Don’t you have control over the gears ……blah blah blah …..this tension continued  till we reached the destination …and I used to sigh when we stopped . He too. Then on the way back he would just not allow me to drive , saying ‘ Tum to rehne hi do yaar ‘ But you know what ? Now when I drive even on any long journey , he even sleeps so  comfortably. It makes me love him . Yes ! I love his belief in my capabilities .

There were few times when he just wouldn’t  care for my emotions and would react badly on my certain objections . May be my objections used to hurt his ego. There were many arguments ending on   ‘Hate you ‘ or ‘Get away from my life ‘ which used to bring tears —but these tears used to be invisible to him . He just wouldn’t bother . Are all men like that ? I don’t know. But now , as we have spent so many years of togetherness , We care for each other’s emotions , we avoid those hurting words . My tears also have started becoming visible to him and he has understood the tact that a warm hug can do wonders . We still have arguments many times but we are able to solve the situation quickly now with a loving smile or a warm hug or a naughty touch or a garma garam plate of his favorite food.  Yes ! We have understood that the best thing to hold on in Life is Each other .  If he says something angrily I forget it . If I say something which hurts him he forgives me . I think that’s what Love is . 

Our loving fight on Karvachauth

Ours is not a very modern romantic life . I mean we just don’t exchange gifts , cards or flowers on our birthdays or anniversary . Unlike others, we don’t often go on parties in big hotels , buy expensive stuff  or share some lovey-dovey messages on social media . He takes me to a roadside soup shop and I am happy . I cook simple pulao topped with desi ghee and he is happy.  He makes tea for me in the morning (not everyday ok !) and I ask him ‘Dinner me kya khaoge aaj ‘ . I am not able to fulfill his wish everytime but I still I do ask . He starts my scooter every morning when I leave for office and I keep tiffin in his car . These little things make our lifestory . Our lovestory !


Spending so many years of Life together , Love has developed . No doubt some adjustments had to be made from both the sides , but both of us loved  the journey  from Togetherness to Love . Love developed after shared ups and downs , few sufferings  or the happy moments spent together . May God bless us with many more years of Togetherness and Love . 


Celebrating Togetherness and Love
Celebrating Togetherness and Love 


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