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My Sweet Sibling Memories and the lessons learnt #siblingstories

I am happy to board the  blog train #SiblingStories hosted by Ila Varma in collaboration with the Brand Ang Tatva. Thirty seven  esteemed bloggers from blogging fraternity have joined hands to participate in the Blog train for #SiblingTalk reviving the sweet and tickling hours spent with loving siblings and revive golden memories of the past. I thank Kalpana to introduce me in this blogtrain. Kalpana Manivannan, a former Biology teacher is now turned an urban farmer who loves her farm as much as teaching and blogging. You can read her sibling memories here .

As I get the chance to be a part of the sibling stories , my mind starts flying in the childhood memories when I and  my brother together with all our cousins used to act crazy , laugh like mads , eat together like bhukkad , play for hours together and even fight like real enemies . And you know what our games used to be ? Actually neither there were any mobile phones or playstations nor we were fond of watching TV . Our games majorly used to be Chupan Chupai ( Hide and Seek) , Pakdan Pakdai , Pithu , Stapuu and Gitte . (I am doubtful if you are familiar with all these games ) We could spend the whole day enjoying these games and to break the monotony , we would climb the Shehtoot  (Mulberry) tree near Grandma’s house and enjoy collecting and eating   the sweet reddish purple  fruit , hardly bothering  about  our clothes getting dirty or hands and lips getting smeared colorful .

The best of my childhood memories 

The best part was that we used to enjoy together . We could find fun  in any activity we did. When we used to come home , our Moms  would notice our knees which got scratched while climbing the trees or just falling on the road while playing the running games like Pakdan Pakdai . After getting the basic first aid of dettol  from Grandpa and obeying his order of properly washing our hands and feet , we would again be ready for playing but were allowed only indoor games after the dusk . We would play Gitte(have you played this five stone game ?) and Dumb Charades for hours together until the ladies of the family called us to lay the dinner table(the dining table used to be the floor )  It was Grandpa’s duty to prepare  salad everyday and it was our daily  secret shararat  to empty the plate before the  dinner actually started . Then Grandpa used to frown at us but we could always notice the secret smile on his lips .  Our  day used to end with long scary ghost talks in the rajai or the special pillow fight session . Well these childhood memories of the summer vacation time spent at Nani-Nanu’s house are so precious that even today when all of us brothers and sisters get together , we enjoy recalling those moments and smile . Our grandparents house was very small with just two little rooms but the family love was so strong that we never had any space shortage . Our family was  not financially very rich but our bond was (it still is ) rich enough to bring bliss . We live in a very modern society today but the memories of traditional games  played in  childhood is our real asset even today .

[tweetshare tweet=”Childhood memories always bring smiles . #siblingstories #siblingtalk” username=”sharealubhujia”]

Today all of us are living in different cities but our hearts are still very close to each other . Thanks to the modern technology and social media which doesn’t let us feel far apart . And we are grateful that our Bade Maa -Bade Daddy ( That’s what we address our Nani-Nanu as) are still living a healthy life and showering their blessings on all of us  . Love you Bade Maa -Bade Daddy !! Love you my dear family !

You can read the loving post  which I dedicated to my Grandparents

Let me enlist few of the lessons too which I learnt out of my Sibling memories :

  1. We can be happier Together.
  2. Little things have the power to bring great happiness .
  3. Only materialistic things are not the source of real joy .
  4. Life is all about moments . Spend real time with your loved ones  (not just online time )
  5. Elders’ blessings are a jewel for the family .
  6. Even a  small house feels like a bungalow  provided the heart is full of love .
  7. We may not be having lot of money but  we are very  rich if we have the  love and blessings  of family .

[tweetshare tweet=”I may not be having lot of money but the love and blessings of the family make me rich enough. ” username=”sharealubhujia”]

Now, let’s head over to the next  blogger Priyal who blogs at where she blogs about Lifestyle , beauty and parenting . Please stop by to read the next post on #SiblingStories.



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