Self-Care is not at all selfish . It is a very important aspect of our life . Self-Care means taking care of our body,mind and soul . We all need to devise few self-care tips or mantras that can ease our life and let us feel calm, stress-free and happy . We can spread happiness around only when we ourselves are happy . Isn’t it ?
Let me share some of my personal Self-care mantras that ease my life and let me Be Calm :–
1. My Prayers
I spend only 4-5 minutes in my daily prayer when I light up the diya in the small little puja corner of my home and I just stand with folded hands and eyes open . The picture of Lord Krishna in Baalroopa in my little temple keeps me mesmerized . It’s only occasional that I chant some aarti also .Prayer shouldn’t mean only demanding from God . As Mahatma Gandhi said ” Prayer is a longing of the soul. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.” It’s not necessary that we sing some religious songs or mantras for our prayers . Just spend few minutes trying to connect with the supreme power , feel positive vibes , confess your mistakes , ask for strengths & overcome your weaknesses .
2. My Physical Fitness & Health
Physical fitness should be one of the top-most priority . I follow few tips for my fitness – few workouts for maintaining my body weight , including nuts and fruits in daily diet or trying to avoid refined sugar . A healthy body is energetic and is always ready to work passionately . You know there was a time when I weighed around 90 kg and then I invented my own weightloss plan , followed it sincerely to lower my size from XXL to XL.
You can read my weightloss journey here .
I would like to confess one thing here that As I am ageing , I think I should include more of milk or women’s horlicks in my daily diet . But actually tea and coffee taste much better . What should I do ? How do I become determined to have milk daily ? Can you help me ?
3. Better You go Mad
Have you ever heard of this mantra ” Better you go Mad ” ? I am sure you haven’t. Ok let me tell you . My dad tells me about what he once read outside a shop in a town of Punjab . The shopkeeper had the following written on a board :
You demand credit , I give , I demand it back , You return not , I go Mad .
You demand credit , I give not , You go Mad.
Better is that You go Mad .
HeeHee ! This was written by the shopkeeper just to highlight “No credit ,only cash ” . It was his way of saying NO to the borrower in his tooty-footy funny English . I use this ‘Better You go Mad” as my secret mantra for saying NO in certain situations . Are you getting me ? There are many times such situations when we are confused about saying NO to people . We want to say NO but we somehow feel compelled to say YES to every person’s request . We don’t want to annoy others although saying YES may annoy us , may leave zero time for ourselves . So Why continue with YES everytime ? If my YES may make me Mad , Then won’t it be better to say NO ? Being unable to say NO may leave us stressed and irritable . So Learn to say NO .
Well there are certainly times when we should say YES and even go out of the way to help our family and friends in need . But occasional NO is a good self-care mantra which we should follow .
4. ME-Time
We all should spend some quality time ‘ME Time’- the time when you do the things you love , something that brings smile on your face . For me , ME Time is listening to music , reading , writing , watching movies , having a good massage , play carrom with my daughter or Do Nothing . Let’s prioritise self-care and include at least half an hour of ME-Time in our routine . It is the best source of rejuvenation .
Apart from the above 4 fundamental self-care mantras , few other self-care tips if kept in mind ,can prove helpful to remain Calm and happy :
- We all make mistakes . When things go wrong ,forgive yourself .
- To cry is not a sign of the weak .
- We all have difficult times . “This too shall pass”
- I am not here to solve all the problems .
- I am not here to please everybody .
- Remind yourself that you are loved .
- Remind yourself of your strengths .
- Appreciate yourself . Before going to bed , notice 3 things you did good today .
- It’s time to Slow down . It’s good to take a break. It’s good to pamper yourself .
- Express Gratitude .
What are your personal self-care mantras or tips ? Do share your views as I take a leave from you to pamper myself at a massage session . After all , Self-Care is not selfish . And pampering ourselves is good for health .
I am taking my Alexa rank to next level with #MyfriendAlexa and this is my 6th post under the theme #LetusKISS
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