Health is Wealth and we must take very good care to protect this real Wealth . We must make efforts , may be tiny , to have a healthier body and mind . We must have a fitness routine and how good would it be if that fitness time is fun time too . With health , fitness and maintaining my bodyweight always on my mind , I chose to read Anami Mittal’s Ebook — BodyWeight Workouts .
The book is a collection of few body Workouts which can be easily done at home . The author has described many kind of exercises and the other health tips which if implemented can bring fruitful results . Apart from the general exercises , you can chose to try the exercises specifically according to your body’s need . Like whether you want to work upon your bellyfat or you are more worried about your backache or joint problems , choice is yours . Read the book and start with the exercises you actually need . The book has the illustrative figures to describe the how to part of the workout at most of the places but are missing too at few places . The author has written about Bicycle crunches , Double Dip Squat , Leg Raises , YTWL variations and many other Workouts . After reading the book , I have particularly liked and selected Bicycle crunches , Russian Twists , Rocking Plank , Outside Leg Raises, Calves relax and ofcourse some simple backbone exercises for myself as my backache often appears out .
The author recommends to make Fitness a lifestyle and not just a seasonal hobby . And she also strongly says that don’t work out just for your weight but for your overall health . How true ! Sometimes we are more bothered just about how we look , so we want to look slim and smart . But the inner health and the real strength is what the body requires . So Let’s stop making excuses and start from today only . As the author Anami Mittal says “Do something today that your future self will thank you for ” . Let’s not wait for sickness to come first . Let’s start having our fitness time , even 10 -15 minutes of daily workout is going to show results. Start slow , do it with a smile , don’t consider your workout a burden , continue with zero excuses and feel the good happening in your mind . Let our body and mind both be in a smart and healthy shape .
Smile more . Drink your food . Eat more of nuts and salads . Play some memory games . Sweat out . You must read Anami Mittal’s Ebook -BodyWeight Workouts, to get more of such tips and take your step towards better health .
About the author Anami Mittal
A learner from life , Anami is an MBA and currently is a stay-at-home Mom to a young princess . She is a poetess, a writer and a blogger who strongly believes “Every thing , situation and person out there teaches us something ” . You can contact her on twitter or her blog .
If you want to know about my personal fitness and weight loss experience , click here
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