With #BlogchatterEbook blogchain going on , I take on the baton of Blogchatter Ebook Carnival from Anami whose ebook‘Bodyweight Workouts: A Fun Way To Exercise’ is also a part of the mix. About Anami’s ebook: This book is a compilation of few Bodyweight Workouts you can do at your home. These do not require any equipment. It is written for the A to Z Challenge 2018. It is a great way to exercise for those who get bored easily. Try them and you will love them.
My experience with #BlogchatterEbookCarnival
Blog chatter EbookCarnival is one of the best things that happened in my life and I am very glad and thankful that I became a part of it . Right from the day I started my blog , I had a subconscious desire of writing an Ebook . And #BlogchatterA2Z challenge and then #BlogchatterEbookCarnival made my dream come true . The step-by-step instructions , motivation and support of the team just didn’t let me feel tired and I could complete my journey to reach the destination of being known as an author . Today I proudly call myself the author of Astitva – A Woman’s journey from existence to empowerment .
You know , the journey is even more beautiful than the destination . No doubt , I am delighted by the shine of my name on the cover of a book but all through the journey , I enjoyed learning many new things which somehow have brought a change in my life . My book may not be a bestseller but I am sure it has the power to impact atleast a few . I can’t say that the journey was very easy . It was a brainstorming task deciding a theme and the subtopics , It took many nights drinking coffee writing tales about the common women , I was shaken many times as I researched more about the crimes the women across the globe suffer , I did run out of ideas many times , I didn’t like my drafts sometimes , But I kept determined to finish the task . Today If I look back , I myself feel surprised at my abilities and how I managed my time to pursue the month long blogging challenge . Read my journey of becoming an author .
Things I kept in mind while writing a book
1. Write, Write and Write . Write just anywhere , whenever you get any idea . I wrote any points or outline of my topic which came to my mind whether I was in kitchen or travelling in a bus or just anywhere . Making good content out of those points became easy .
2. Write something you feel passionate about . I do feel strong about the age-old customs and crimes which suppress the dignity of a woman . So I really wanted to write about women . So my theme about women and women empowerment automatically helped me keep awake till late nights and keep working on the keyboard .
3. Break the project into small pieces . I first decided the theme of Women . Then I decided the theme name Astitva . Then I decided the headings because I wanted to write A to Z about a woman . In the rough draft , I wrote all the words that came into my mind starting from every letter . For example from the letter M , Motherhood , marriage , Menstruation were the words that came into my mind but finally I picked Menstruation to write from M .
4. Time management is the key to success . The whole book can’t be written without effective time management. You have to plan the topics well in advance , you have to devote separate time for writing , for researching and for designing too . One step at a time will definitely take you to the top of the ladder . Even after my manuscript was ready , I devoted many days specifically to reading the content again and again to get rid of any grammatical errors or to include more suitable words highlighting the subject .
5. Self – doubt might be there but Tell what you think . These are your views which you want to share with your readers . Every person has the right to think different . While I was re-reading my content , I doubted if my write-up was too harsh at some places , I did think initially of giving it a soft shape but I decided to keep it as it was , because this was the way I felt . Bold or Harsh , this was it . I am ready for appreciation or critics .
How writing a book changed my life ?
1. Hard work always pays . It feels overwhelming to be known as an author of an Ebook. I feel happy when some friends call me as Mr Author or Writer or few address me by the name of myblog – Alubhujia
2. I could challenge myself and came to know that it’s all in the mind . If I determined my mind to do a task , I really could do it . “If you think you can then you really can .”
3. I got to interact with the #Blogchatter team and a huge community of bloggers who were always a great help and motivation in the Ebook journey . And they still are . Thankyou so much dear friends .
4. Participating in A2Z challenge and then Ebook Carnival where I wrote about women only , is slowly helping me decide my blog niche .
5. Participating in #BlogchatterEbook Carnival gave me access to so many Ebooks by different authors on different subjects –like feminism , blogging , cooking , fitness , spirituality and what not . I am going to read as many as possible , one by one . Anything in life – be it learning or success or any little thing , has to be done one step at a time . Change happens one step at a time . Don’t stop and keep climbing one step at a time and you would reach to the top for sure .
Finally I would once again say they #Blogcahtter Ebook Carnival has brought a change in my life . From now only , I am waiting for the next Ebook Carnival .
With this , I pass on the Baton of Blogchatter Ebook Carnival to Dr. Amrita whose ebook ‘7 Blogging Challenges for a Successful Blog’ is also part of the mix. Blogging in India is still an unstructured game. But a few stepping stones will make your life easier. These seven Blogging challenges(plus a few extra tips) will help you create a successful Blog without losing your hair! So go and read on !
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