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Nominated for Liebster Award 2018

Last week I got a mail that excited me . The mail was from one of the fellow bloggers and it said that my blog had been nominated for Liebster Award 2018 . I didn’t know what Liebster Award meant . So I searched and came to know that it is an award that exists only on the  Internet and is given to bloggers by other fellow bloggers . Liebster in German means “sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome”. Although I haven’t yet turned out as a professional blogger but I am happy that one of my blogger friends liked my blog so much to be nominated for a lovely Liebster Award.


Liebster award

I feel grateful that Blogger Vartika from vartikasdiary nominated me .  About Vartika , she is a mother of twin girls . An HR professional , lover of music , crafts , books , she is a big foodie too . She is an extrovert but simple person who says “I can’t take fakeness and duality at all . The people who are meant for you will stay in your life come what may and the rest will automatically gravitate away .” She started her blogging journey in September 2017 while she was trying to cope up with her father’s loss . Writing started bringing peace for her . She blogs on various topics like parenting , relationships , travel and lifestyle . You can meet her on fb here

As per the rules of the Liebster Award ,here is something about me and my blog . I am Monika , working as a physics lecturer in a school . I am mother to an eleven year old daughter Suhani . I started my blogging journey last year in April 2017 . I started initially with anything that I felt like writing about , be it motherhood or some other life experiences . Recently , I have self published my first Ebook Astitva which is about the different aspects of a woman —-the crimes or the age old customs that a woman still goes through in today’s so called world of women empowerment .

10 Random facts about me :–

1.  I am a simple  going girl , who can be often seen without any   make-up . Almost daily I forget to put on even  lipstick before going for work .

2. I love to travel , I want to travel the world , that is all together a different issue that I am short of money almost all the time.😃

3.  I love to learn new things .The challenges excite me .

4. I go mad when I go at beaches or any waterfalls . I am not a good swimmer but I just love watching water or just playing at the sides . Do you want to read about my rafting experience ? Click here

5. I am  a bold woman but recently I came to know that the mom inside me is very emotional . I think every mom is the same .

6. I don’t love cooking much , but yes I love eating , only vegetarian especially punjabi paronthas.

7. I think I can make friends quite easily .

8. I can’t tell you exactly why I named my blog Alubhujia . Actually it is an Indian snack . People mistake my blog as a food blog but actually it is not . It is about my thoughts which are going to serve as food for your mind .

9. I love watching Hindi movies .

10. Somewhere in my subconscious mind , I  have a desire of singing on a stage  in front of a huge audience.

The fellow blogger Vartika has asked me few questions and here are my replies :–

1. What do you do when you run out of ideas what to write about ?  In that case , I read other  blogs to get some prompts or just read any book for few days , giving writing a break .

2. What is your inspiration in life ? My Dad has been the biggest inspiration till date .

3. Which is one blog of mine you like the most and why ? Well dear Vartika , I love your happiness post which reminds us of the daily little happy moments in our lives.

4. How you started blogging ? Well I love learning new things and my blog was started out of curiosity to explore this world of writing .

5. Your idea of perfect vacation ? My perfect vacation would be a sponsored world  tour .

6.What are your 5 possessions you can’t live without ? My daughter , My car , My Tablet , My ATM and my smile

7.Beach or Hills ? Well choice is difficult as I love both . But still I prefer beaches .

8. One thing you would like to change in yourself ? My friends say that my tone is rude sometimes although I don’t mean it . I wish I could change and be a soft spoken girl all the time .

9. Biggest achievement so far ? Publishing of my Ebook on womenempowerment

10. Do you believe in dreaming ? Yes definitely ! Dream the dreams which don’t let you sleep .

If ever you are nominated for Liebster Award 2018 like me, here are some rules you have to follow:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you, and put a link to their blog on your blog. Try to include a little promotion for the person who nominated you.
  2. Display the award on your blog.
  3. Write a small post about what makes you passionate about blog posting.
  4. Provide 10 random facts about yourself (optional in 2018)
  5. Nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel would enjoy blogging about this award.
  6. List these rules in your post.
  7. Inform the people/blogs that you nominated

Now my nominations are :

And the questions for my nominees are :

1. What is the main benefit of blogging according to you ?

2.  For writing , where do you get inspiration from ?

3. Has it ever happened that you found blogging a stress ?

4. Your quality that you like the most ?

5. Your quality that  others like the most ?

6. Which is the blogpost  or any other  one thing that you really liked in my blog ?

7. What is your life mantra ? Any favourite quote you want to share ?

8. What brings the real smile on your face ?

9. Have you ever learnt anything from any of your failures ? Please tell us bit in detail .

10. If God comes to fulfill your one wish , what would it be ?

Dear fellow bloggers , if you would accept my nomination please follow the rules given. Answer my questions, tag me and notify me of your post by commenting on this blog. Also, don’t forget to nominate other bloggers so that we can support each other and grow together.

Cheers !!!☺☺☺ Happy Blogging !!!















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