X stands for X-Factor
X- Factor is a noteworthy special talent or quality , It’s an attribute beyond description , something which makes a person unique .
A piece of fiction on “X-Factor”
At the age of 62 , Today when I was being awarded with “Pratibha Puraskar ” by the district social club , I overheard someone saying ” That lady has an X-factor in her which makes her so special” . The term X-factor took me in my past .
The only rosy part in my married life was that I got blessed with two beautiful daughters . To live with their father always was a task that tested my patience and quietude . I never knew my Art College degree would be wasted in such artistic roles like dusting , washing or just cooking . I was happily playing all the roles of a maid and was sometimes even being treated like the one , although my official tag was that I was a Home Maker. One day one of my friends Ravita happened to call me after a gap of many years , As she kept sharing excitedly about her caring husband or her new house in Canada or her travel diaries , I only had the stories of my daughters’ school , their homework and on the top what the family loved in dinner or how my businessman husband wanted us to live . Immediately Ravita responded ” Hey Surbhi , What has happened to you ? You used to be so enthusiastic , art loving and travel loving too . Where is your X-Factor lost ?” That was my first encounter with X-factor. I started analysing to find just my patience, home-making and my motherhood as my X-Factors . I reached the safe conclusion of considering my husband as my biggest X-Factor as he was the one who completed my existence now, happy or sad whatever . But God suddenly changed his plan and took away my biggest X-factor . I was shaken at the thought of living Alone and take care of two daughters all alone . What I could see ahead was just an insecure home-maker with no skills except cooking and mommying . My brother helped me get a job in a small recently opened private school . I struggled to be a good teacher but my resume didn’t fit in their job qualification norms. I had to change 3-4 schools but the problem stood . Every school wanted a B.Ed. degree . Finally I decided to go for that professional degree and got enrolled in a correspondence course. Daily in the evenings , we three would study together . Finally my resume smiled and I could join a good school . The daily struggles had cracked my feet , and wrinked my face early but I started to feel happy being with children , teaching them English or even few pencil sketching skills in free periods . My colleagues even changed me from the simple woman clad in salwar suits to an elegant woman in cotton sarees . Time flew and my daughters completed their engineering and started with their own careers in different cities . My career was the same , my life appeared harder with no mommying at home .
Two years back, I retired from school and started taking art classes in the evening at home . My evening classes soon turned into a full time “Surbhi Art Studio” where now I enjoy creating and teaching sketching, portrait making , oil paintings , murals and sculptures . People love my creations but only I can feel the reflection of my experience and my struggles in my art .
I had to live a struggleful life but I am actually thankful for having a life full of ups -n -downs ,as it made me discover my hidden attributes . I had to fight but I am happy . With my art, I hardly feel alone now . It brings calming smile in my eyes when I see the shelf full of trophies won either by me or my art students . Some trophies remind me of my past X-factors like patience or struggle ; while some trophies represent my present X-factors like determination , courage , strength or Pratibha .
(Pratibha is a hindi word meaning Talent)
What’s your X-Factor ? Have you ever thought what’s your uniqueness ? Everybody has a special quality which may be hidden but can prove out to be the X-factor. You may be dark or fair but your loving heart that glows inside is your X-factor. You may be having difficult situations but your capabilities are your X-factor . You may have faced at times some or the other kind of inequality as a woman but your strength as a mother/daughter/wife is your X-factor . Just analyze to discover and live that special attribute : The X-Factor
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