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#Victim But Survivor - The strong Acid Attack victims #BlogchatterA2Z #Astitva

V stands for Victim

Story of Laxmi from India

Laxmi became a victim of acid attack in 2005  when she was just 15  ,  the reason was that she had rejected a 30 year old man’s love proposal.  The incident occured when she was busy shopping in the market . she was rescued by a taxi driver who took him to the hospital. Laxmi underwent 9 major surgeries . Her will power helped and she survived . No doubt the scars would last with her for lifetime but she is making her scars  motivate other acid attack victims .  She has taken the  challenge to fight . She collected 27000 signatures and filed  in the supreme court to curb acid sales in the market .  Laxmi now also runs an NGO  which is dedicated for the acid attack victims.  Laxmi also received International Women of Courage award in 2014 by Michelle Obama . In 2014 she fell in love with Alok Dixit whom she met while working for a campaign . Alok was impresssed with Laxmi’s spirit and the duo decided to be together .  Now the couple have a beautiful daughter also ‘Pihu’ .

Acid attack

Acid attack

Laxmi and Pihu











Story of Monica Singh from India

Monica Singh   is another  victim of acid attack , the reason was the same because she  , when was 19 , had rejected a boy’s proposal.  If that boy couldn’t have her so he wanted nobody else also to have her. So he planned to ruin her face as a revenge  .  She was sitting in a car when the boy came and asked her to  put down down the window  glass. As soon as she did  , a bucket full of acid was thrown on her . The acid had the power to melt even a part of the car door , she got outside screaming for help . The time period of life when the girl  had big dreams of becoming a fashion designer  was spent in surgeries in the hospital . “All the time lying in a cage used to feel like already in a coffin” , she said .

Monica Singh , The Acid attack Victim but survivor

” I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t eat , I couldn’t sleep ” Monica was  in trauma , her parents too

With the support of her family , she finally gathered courage  to live  her dreams and not just keep screaming looking at her burnt face . She underwent total of 46 surgeries in 10 years   to be reborn again . She finally went to NY for her fashion designing course .

Acid Attack Survivors join together 

If you start researching you get to know so many horrific stories of acid attacks in different countries. But the life has to move on .  They have to live inspite of the social stigmas . In the city of Agra , India , few acid attack strong  survivors thought why not to live with a smile and they joined hands  together to run a cafe SHEROES , through which they are also  sharing their stories with the world. Coming from different regions , their common religion of acid attack is keeping them together . They are struggling but smiling , and spreading smiles . You can go here to visit their site  where all are  motivating each other inspite of inside burning . For more stories go here.

We need to learn from these women  who are a live example  of strength, courage , beauty and smile . They are an inspiration to many .

Acid attack

Why Acid Attacks ?

Acid attack burns your body and soul . The attack eats many layers of the skin , leaving one unrecognisable or even blind . The acid burns one’s emotional balance too, with the depressing thoughts of nonacceptance in the society or even in own’s  eyes . The confidence is shattered and dreams may die unfulfilled . No one else can understand the victim’s struggles .   The question is that why do people do such barbaric crime ? Why acid attacks are mostly on women , by men ? Men want to prove their  patriarchal madness ? In most of the acid attacks, the men want to own the women and if they are rejected , they do such violence . This mentality needs to be changed for which certain strong actions from the Governments also should be there .

The  men hindering a woman’s existence need to be tied with ropes and then questioned : Who gives you the authority for the crimes like rape or domestic violence or acid attack ? Have you ever felt the intensity of pain similar to Nirbhaya  when an iron rod was spiked  inside her ? Have you ever felt the intensity of trauma similar to Asifa when you  shattered her innocence ? Can you ever feel how living permanently with burning scars mean ? What do you want to prove by such  wild and brutal crimes ?

Another attack on a woman’s #Astitva goes just talked away .







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