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#Uterus On Rent - Challenges of a Surrogate Mother #BlogchatterA2Z #Astitva

A piece of Fiction on “Uterus on Rent “

As he does it once every month  ,  Ajay left early from his office today because his son Sujoy had come along with him and it was a Dad’s promise to his son about one hour games time  at the Centra mall in the evening before they reach back home.

” Bye Sujoy , have fun at the Centra , Love you  ” almost everybody in the office has a friendly bond  with Sujoy   as the 4 year old  steals everybody’s heart by his  smile .

At the mall

” O Hi Ajay , What a pleasant surprise ! How come you are here ? ” His colleague Manoj’s   sudden appearance didn’t please Ajay

” Just came for Sujoy to enjoy  the kids rides ”  Ajay replied in a formal voice trying to avoid him

” O I see , but ,  don’t you always take Sujoy to Centra mall , how come  today here at Waves mall ? ”

Manoj’s  eyes were turning  around to look for  baby Sujoy when he suddenly  noticed him with a woman , who was certainly not his mother. She was trying to explain how to play with that toy helicoter which she probably had gifted him just now .

“Unhh Unhhh…. Ajay -you clever  horse !! who is she ?” Manoj  giggled while glancing  at the beautiful woman clad in a saree and  he whispered in Ajay’s ears ” Should I tell Bhabi G about this extra marital love  ?”

Hmmmm , Ajay sighed ” That woman in saree  is not my love Manoj  , she is Sujoy’s love ” Ajay answered calmly

” And my wife already knows it because she only opted for surrogacy to have Sujoy ”


My thoughts on Surrogacy and its challenges

Surrogacy is where a woman agrees to carry and give birth to a child for another person who will become its parent at birth . Genetic  Surrogacy is done altruistically or commercially . By altruistically means that the surrogate mom is not paid for her service . She offers her uterus as an act of altruism .  While commercial surrogacy is paid, where she offers her uterus on rent .

The altrusitic surrogate mom does it as a selfless service , as an act of kindness towards the couple or may be she herself wants to relive the pregnancy feelings .  During the journey , the baby and the  surrogate  mom  develop a bond which sometimes is difficult to forget in future too .  As in the above story , the lady in saree might be the baby’s altruistic surrogate mom who had develped a  special bond with the child over those 9 months . That bond  still  pulled both mom and child towards each other .

Challenges of a surrogate mom

  • The act of surrogacy  can  be very emotionally disturbing for the woman . It may  bring feelings of kind of prostitution .
  • The act of providing her uterus on rent can bring into mind the questions regarding her being treated as a commodity .
  • During the journey of carrying a child within her , she may develop deep emotional  bond with the unborn child and may be she is not ready for separation from  the child after delivery .
  • The woman may do this act for meeting her personal financial needs .

Few  arguments in favour of  Surrogacy :

  1. Surrogate moms do it wishfully . So there should not be any problem.
  2. It’s a profession just like any other , getting paid for their work.
  3.  If they don’t accept money for it, then their selfless act is a great blessing for a childless couple.
  4.  Commercial surrogate moms receive medical, nutritional  and overall healthcare through surrogacy agreements.

Few arguments against Surrogacy  :

  1. Surrogacy is like selling her reproduction system .
  2.  Why go for surrogacy when there are so many orphans who can be adopted  and rather should be adopted.
  3. The rented mother may develop negative feelings .
  4. The sanctity of marriage is destroyed .

Surrogacy is a debatable topic but  this technique is  adopted by many . Inspite of all the pros and cons of it , the emotional problems related to  the uterus of mother can’t be overlooked .  The issue remains much deeper seated.





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