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#Rape - How many more #Nirbhaya or #Asifa ? #BlogchatterA2Z #KathuaRape

Rape is the most common and the worst crime against women . In India , the Rape cases are too much on rise with not even a single newspaper ever void of any Rape news . The statistics say that every year around 40000 Rape cases are reported in India , and if we calculate  , it comes out to be 109 rapes every day in India . How shameful ! How can anyone call this country developed or developing where such sexual assault is a daily act . I think the world has started to recognise India as the Rape capital of the world . What a wonderful title ! Shouldn’t every Indian be proud of this title ?  Out of all the Rape cases , 91%  of the cases go unreported as the victims fear back attacks and humiliation . During the last few years , some horrific  Rape incidents got widespread media attention and the result is that now the willingness to report has increased much by most of the victims .

Nirbhaya’s Rape Case 

The date 16 Dec . is remembered by every Indian woman as it was the day of Nirbhaya Rape Case . The  23-year-old Jyoti    was  returning home at night along with one of her male friends.  They had boarded a bus and that bus journey proved to be  the worst  part of their life .  The accused  had  dragged the girl to the backside of the bus . Jyoti was gang raped in the bus while the bus was still moving . She was sexually  tortured with iron rods and then she and her male friend were thrown out of the moving  bus . The young girl was  intensely assaulted physically as well as emotionally . Her intestines had cracked causing lot of internal bleeding . The incident shook the nation . She underwent many surgeries within few days but finally she closed her eyes forever . What was  the innocent girl’s fault that she had to fall prey to six criminals , with one of them juvenile. The girl’s original name was Jyoti but she was titled as ‘Nirbhaya’ , meaning fearless , but this Nirbhaya incident has made many other  women of the country , fearful .

Unnao Rape Case

This is another rape case which happened in a village of district Unnao ,UttarPradesh . On 4th June 2017 , a woman complained and accused a local MLA of raping her when she had gone to his house seeking assistance for employment . Later , after many months of the Rape incident , the MLA’s brother and associates have been accused of killing the Rape survivor’s father . What was the fault of this girl who was just seventeen years old ? Yes I think she had (has) the biggest fault – that she is a woman .

Asifa Bano Rape Case , Kathua

The recent gangrape case in the city of Kathua in Jammu &Kashmir is gaining widespread attention . The nation is in a rage . This is the crime of abduction , Rape and murder of an 8 year old girl Asifa  Bano which happened in Jan 2018. And this barbaric crime was committed inside the premises of  a religious place . Asifa was drugged before and then raped multiple times by different men and then strangulated to death .  Eight people , including   4 police officers have been arrested and charged over the crime . You see the nation protectors are committing such a brutal crime and that too on a sweet innocent girl . One of the accused specially calls his son if he also wants to satisfy his lust . And that son comes running hundreds of kilometers to obey his dad .  What a shame on India , Is  the country  effectively running the campaign #BetipadaoBetibachao  or is it #BetaRapeKaro ? How sick !

Lots of candle  marches and rallies are being conducted demanding justice for Asifa and all the women of the country . Our Mr Primeminister says that justice would be ensured . Our respected Mr President calls such acts heinous and says that it’s the collective responsibility of the society to ensure such things do not happen in the future . But Dear Mr Primeminister and Mr President , don’t comfort us only by your words . ‘Justice would be ensured ‘ such words now have started meaning untrustworthy . The severe kind of injustice, RAPE ,  has been done , now what kind of justice  you plan to  give to the victim( or her family if victim is not  alive ) ? Just by putting the accused behind bars for few years won’t solve the purpose . The accused need to taste the similar crime  trauma themselves . How much pain it can offer you or depress you mentally , the culprits need to be taught practically . Like in countries like China , the strict punishment for Rape is castration or shoot the culprit . India needs such laws urgently. .

When a woman is just seen as a sex object , a hole the man can penetrate , how can we even talk of the word gender quality ? And you know  Now the word gender equality also disturbs us ( by ‘us’  I mean women) . Because if sex or lust or Rape is all what is there in a man’s head , then we women just don’t want to be equal to men .  If the male can’t control himself of committing such crime, then certainly not , we women just don’t want to equate to such male mentality . If a male can easily forget moral values  only for making his genital organ happy , then Men , you  better  understand that women don’t even consider  to make such mentality  equations . When everywhere there are Rapes , rapes and rapes , whether she is few months old or she is in twenties or seventees , then obviously the families get  feared of giving birth to  daughters  ,causing foeticide , then how to protect the girl child or increase the sex ratio ?

If you google rapist psychology then it talks of Rape as male’s sexual gratification or the desire to prove control over women . But the former reason is the major one .  If sexual gratification is all what he needs then there should be provided some robotic women  with whom males can commit such acts , satisfying their penis without harming any of the real human beings . The technology has advanced so much . It’s time the technology provides something of the sort to satisfy male without assaulting the female .

The Male Indian Culprit   Society , when will you change ? When will you really  start respecting a woman ? When will you start seeing her as a human being and not just a hole or a sex object ? How many more Nirbhaya or Asifa you want to assault and murder ? When will your sex lust be satisfied ? When will you start behaving human ?




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