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#Orthodox Mindset -- The unjustified and cruel principles of society for a woman #BlogchatterA2Z

As I am writing this post today , I am actually right now in an annoying mode , I am grumbling since afternoon as I came to know of someone( a male someone) talking something irritating about me , at my back . It irritated me more because I have always respected that man and I always talked to him friendly . But he made fun of me ( in some other sense )   in his friend’s circle . The word ‘ghatiya’ comes to my mind  for such a man . And there are  many men deserving this adjective in our society .

The present society , the 21st century , has made very advancements in the various fields, but  unfortunately , the society is still Orthodox . The mindsets of people are very very Orthodox , conservative , baseless , brainless and heartless . And the Orthodox mindsets are more specifically for a woman . What a woman is wearing , where is she going , what time is she going , with whom she is talking , how she lives her life , has she got married , why she is not marrying , there must be some defect in her that no one is accepting her ,  all this interests other people and society very much . They enjoy talking of these things .

Prefer giving birth to a son

Even the educated people adopt many procedures to be blessed with a son .  If someone gets first baby a daughter she is pressurized to take another chance along with those son procedures .  They somehow find the way for sex determination of the child although it is illegal . And if it comes out to be a girl , then  it is aborted  or in some rural areas , the mother has to face some cruelty along with her child’s abortion . What is the Mindset of the society – what special the son is expected to bring ?


While finding match for their marriageable sons , many families dramatize like “Nahi nahi hume kuch nahi chahiye ” but again they put demands indirectly , may be a car  or gold for the couple , giving it the name of financial security of the new couple . And the girl’s family is no less responsible I think . They give even  more than just the  demands of the groom’s family , giving it the name of their status and the words like ” log kya kahenge ”  . How much justified is this principle ?

Treating woman just as a sex object

The rape cases are rising day by day . Everyday one can hear of such crimes , like the recent Kathua gangrape case in India , of a 8 year old girl named Asifa. She was raped and then murdered inside the premises of  a religious place . And such  is not just one case . What would you call it ? Saying just Orthodox won’t do justice for the persons doing such a brutal crime . Such persons are brainless , heartless , mentally ill criminals who can go to any extent to satisfy their sexual desire . Such people see a woman , she be of any age , just as a sex object .

Even the  judicial system  is Orthodox

The judicial system in India is also Orthodox , the same age old laws and rules are being followed . The law should be so as to give instant judgement in such crimes . The rapists should be shot immediately so that anyone trying to attempt any such crime  in future is shockingly  alarmed . But our laws keep delaying justice and  even when  the final judgement comes , it is in most of the cases just paper justice , not the real one .


Discrimination against women  is almost everywhere

Starting from little abuses which a woman faces in streets to the worst sexual assaults , a woman faces many Orthodox mindsets ,like it’s always the woman who  is meant to do household chores  , it’s always the woman who always needs the protectiveness of her father or husband , it’s always the woman who has to adjust in her in-laws family even if she has to face domestic violence , it’s a woman who may have to face  the acute crimes like bride burnings or acid attacks.  The list is a long one .  Every  question of this long list is trying to assassinate a woman’s existence . The point is that why a woman is all the time discriminated . Why is she considered as The Other Sex ? Why is always  woman The Victim ?

As Mahatma Gandhi had said  ” To call woman a weaker sex is a libel ; It’s man’s injustice to woman .” But how to  teach these words  to the criminals of an Orthodox society ?


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