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I wish India could be known as the superwoman country #Indiaspeaks #betibachao

India , our Hindustan , our Bharat  is a developing country . What do you think ? Is it ? India has made many technological advancements and women are also not behind . What do you think ? Is it true ? India has  created many scientists and doctors . What do you think ? Is it so ? India is known for its rich culture . What do you think ? Is the culture still rich ? India is a country whose women are the superwomen . What do you think ? Is it so ? Indian sportswomen bring lots of laurels on international level . Is it true ? India is a country where a woman is really seen very respectable , she  is given more  importance  than a man . What do you think ? Is it ? India is the most peaceful country  to live  .What do you think ? Is it even worth ?

Well, if you answered NO to few of the above questions and you are doubting my writing , then let me tell you that this is my wish  of a peaceful  and progressed India may be  in the 23rd century . I wish that India be known as the safest – the  most peaceful country for Women . I wish that India be known as the superwoman country.

Vision 1 – India reports  least sexual assault  on women

When we talk of women in India , the picture is very frightening as on date  . The crime on the top is Rape . This is the crime women fear the most , as it shatters  the woman’s body and soul . Nowadays , the Rape cases are too much on rise , so much that the world has started  addressing our country as the Rape capital of the world . But we all have to come together on a platform , so that the world really says that in India , no woman can get sexually assaulted .

Vision 2  – Indian society just doesn’t tolerate any kind of crime against women

If we start counting the crimes against women as on date , the list includes domestic violence , dowry , bride burning , acid attacks . Well these are the pressurized attacks by the patriarchal society . Can’t we change , slowly and steadily ? Is it so difficult to give respect to a woman ? Is it mandatory to accept dowry at the marriages ?  Dowry is a crime , whether giving or accepting .  Let’s stop the trend of  lavashing marriages and try to simplify.  Have you ever thought why crimes like domestic violence ,  bride burnings and acid attacks are committed ? Because the accused men see woman as a slave , the one who is supposed  to obey all men’s orders.  If a woman doesn’t obey to bring dowry , she may be burnt. If she dooen’t obey the love demand of a boy , she may be attacked with acid . Society , please stop seeing woman as a slave . If you can’t , then try pouring a drop of acid on yourself . The little practical can teach you much . So let’s respect woman from all aspects and step towards a crime free  country .

Vision 3 – India has strict laws

How wonderful it would be when there would be strict laws for culprits  and quick justice for victims . Even one strict punishment can scare  many future accused. Strict laws implying quick justice especially to women can make a fearless country .

Vision 4 – Every Indian abides by moral values

Men or Women , every Indian abides by moral values . They can’t cross their moral path to land on any kind of immorality . Well , if we think carefully , this is the real problem . If everyone is emphasized on moral education since birth , it can help a lot in reducing crimes . Afterall , the crime starts in the mind firstly and then it is committed actually . So if our education system has the power to suppress that crime in mind itself , I think that would solve the real purpose of education . It’s time to have compulsory moral education in every class , starting from preschool till higher studies . Like in primary classes children are made to learn the tables by daily repetition , same way some ethical tables also  need to be imbibed in every Indian .  Like what Guru Nanak Dev said – So kyo manda aakhiye jit jamme Rajaan. It means how can you call woman inferior who has produced Kings . When  every child grows ethically ,  a peaceful society can be  thought of .

Vision 5 – India promotes Women education ,  sports and employment

To be a superwoman country , our India should start promoting women education and sports further . No woman should be left behind . Every woman be given education or employment according to her capabilities and family situations . Even today there are some girl campaigns running in our country but not as effectively . It’s time to boost the women  campaigns  and start moral value campaigns along with uplifting of justice procedures to make India a superwoman country .

This article is written as a part of #Superbloggerchallenge2018 conducted by, , and it should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content is owned by the blogger and Superbloggerchallenge2018 is not responsible for any kind of infringement caused.








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