Come April and the month long blogging festival #AtoZChallenge2018 begins. My theme for this challenge is #Astitva in which I would be sharing many aspects of a woman’s existence . I would be sharing my thoughts combined with some fiction which form part of our surroundings .
The alphabet of the day is A .
A stands for : ABUSE
Abuses are wounds that may not show up on the body but are deeper and more hurtful than anything else . Why is this word ‘Abuse’ more specifically linked with women ?
A piece of fiction on Abuse
Above is the pic I choose to write about ABUSE.
Reena was a psychologist who was working as a counsellor in a multinational company . All the company employees and her friends too always approached her with their problems and every time , she resolved them with love and concern . Her positive attitude was always talked of in the office and it definitely helped maintain a healthy atmosphere in the office .
But at her home , the psychologies just didn’t sync . Her positive attitude was badly dominated by HIS negative all the time . She managed to strengthen herself enough that the tension and the insult she often faced at home was never reflected at her workplace.
But today , Rajiv and his toxic drinks reflected their wild beast character and that too in his wife’s office . He just couldn’t tolerate to see Reena behaving so friendly with her colleagues . She was physically , verbally and emotionally abused by her man in front of all the office staff . And she laid helpless , burning in the smoky egoistic masculinity .
My thoughts on the word ‘Abuse’
Right from childhood till the end , women suffer many kind of abuses . Starting from physical Abuse , emotional Abuse , social Abuse , she also suffers the worst of all, that is sexual abuse . We may have progressed a lot in the 21st century but this so called progress is making even the infant girls become victims of highest form of sexual abuse . Almost daily I can read of a rape in the newspaper . So is this what Progress is ? Why are men hardly victims of sexual abuse ?
Why is a woman not clothed in the same dignity as a man ?
Why is woman always seen differently ?
Why is She looked upon as a sex object ?
The modern woman of today may be alert for her rights and security but still she does face the claws of Abuse at many points . Some women have become bold to shout out the things but some still prefer to be quiet . Some still make compromises even after getting abused . Why ? Is SHE to be defined always as per HE ? When will we have minds free from bias ?
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