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Thoda Aur #LoveJatao -celebrating Grandparents' day

The day has come which celebrates the presence of older people in our lives, the parents of our parents , our grandparents. Its a day which celebrates their love, their values and the guidance which they keep providing us in all phases of life.  It’s a day to honour them , love them and show (jatao) them how much we love them . Lets #lovejatao

When i came to know of this Grandparents day falling on 10th Sep 2017 and the competition #lovejatao  being organised by Blogadda , i felt excited as i get a chance to revive my memories with my grandparents since childhood.

First of all i must say i am lucky enough that my maternal grandparents (Nanu-Nani) are still alive. Both of them are in their 90’s but by God’s grace, both of them are quite healthy and fit.  I call my Nanu as Bade Daddy and my Nani as Bade Maa . Rather everyone in the family calls them by these names. I have many memories of my childhood when we used to go to our grandparents home in every summer vacation. The fun with all cousins , head massage given by Bade maa to all the kids and those yummy paranthas used to make our day.

read few of my childhood memories at my Grandparents house here 

One of the best flavours of life is the love of our grandparents .


Me with my loving Nanu Nani

Now let me share a bit about my Nanu Nani . My Nani is a punjabi and speaks most of the time in Punjabi  whereas my Nanu loves to talk in English.

My Nani would say ” Kithe ho , ki kari jaande ho, aao roti kha lo ” ( where are you, what are you doing, come and have food )

My Nanu would answer ” I am reading the newspaper, coming Darling ”

Haha , it seems so romantic and interseting. Many times , Nani may not understand what he said by the language of his words but she always judges the answer and it always comes right.

My Nani  loves to dress up well . At any family function, she loves to buy a new suit or saree , matching bangles , nailpaint, etc.  and wants to be the first when it’s time  to apply mehndi on hands. She loves playing cards. She has devised few games which can be played alone also  when she doesn’t find any co-player.

My Nanu is a fan of reading newspaper, especially politics. Many times when i have visited them , he would start a conversation about politics in news and i have no other option than to just keep nodding my head ( i am a dumbo when it comes to politics ).

I wont be able to celebrate the Grandparents day function with them as they live in another city but yes , i will definitely  have the day’s celebration at my home watching  my daughter  Suhani executing her  plans to celebate  the love with her grandparents, her Dada -Dadi

So,  now my post overs to the ideas by my daughter Suhani , while i make a call to my Bade Daddy and Bade Maa. But before making a call, i will have to brush through today’s newspaper for sometime so that i don’t seem to be dumbo any more.

Our  Ways to celebrate #lovejatao  Grandparents day :-

Having a family meal time

Our favourite menu of any celebration is Rajma Chawal, which everyone relishes. Having a family meal time enhances the love bond. We plan to do it on cooperation basis. I mean , i will be cooking Rajma , my hubby would be preparing the rice and my daughter would be making her favourite Raita.

Taking Grandma to temple in the evening

This is the practice we are following for the last few days. We go to the temple together , sit there for some time , recite Hanuman Chalisa , and then come back . On the way back, Suhani gets a chance to get a choclate or packet of chips from her  Dadi .


My daughter with her Grandma

Cake celebration in the evening

This is going to be a home made cake which granddaughter plans to  make herself for her grandparents. May be the cake doesnt bake  up well but i think such gestures are of more importance than the stuff.

Just spending time with grandparents

Our grandparents dont need any expensive gifts  but just their loved ones’ time. Lets just sit with them , talk to them , share old memories , all this shows how much we value them. I remember when my daughter was just few months old and used to cry the whole night, her Dadi would carry her in her arms and sing a bhajan. That Dadi’s love topped with spiritual love used to calm the kid .

Here is something beautiful for all of you to look at from #lovejatao and then plan a day with your grandparents in the best possible way. On the second note why just one day ,we can make everyday special for our grandparents, isn’t it ?

Share with us how will you spend the day with your grandparents and the things you will do for them to make them feel special. Let us all invest in the power of love and share those moments when your grandparents stood by your side, saved you from a whacking or simply engulfed you in their arms. It is time to #LoveJatao

I look forward to hear from you how would you celebrate Grandparents Day. Do share a selfie with your grandparents on Sept. 10, 2017 on Twitter or Facebook with #LoveJatao & tag @blogadda to win a goodie from Parachute Advansed.

I am taking my Alexa rank to next level with #MyfriendAlexa


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