U know my daughter has a period in her school , called as DEAR period , which stands for
It is held twice a week and i just love this concept. Everybody just drops any work he/she is doing and starts reading any book or magazine of choice.
Same was the case with me in the month of September 2017 under #Myfriendalexa. Daily I was finding special time when i dropped everything and started to read others’ blogs . #Myfriendalexa gave a wide collection of blogs based on different genres. Reading these blogs widened my mind’s thinking .
My daily DEAR time not only took me to different worlds( worlds of fiction, fantasy , recipes, travel ,……..and …….its a long list ) but also enhanced my vocabulary . I learnt many new words which i had never known about . I had to search for those words in the dictionary to understand what they mean.
So today let me share some of the words that i recently learnt . You may be already familiar with these but these words are new in my world.
1. Camaraderie –a feeling of friendliness towards people that you work or share an experience with .
Wow , what a beautiful word it is ……Yes there is a tremendous sense of camaraderie when i read the posts of other bloggers and we reciprocate our feelings.
2. Flawsome – Well this word is self devised , it is a combo of two words Flawless and Awesome. It indicates being awesome even with some of your flaws.
I came to know of this word in Mayuri’s blog and i just loved it. It has made a special place in my heart , and i would definitely want to write a post on this awesome word Flawsome.
3. Euphemism– mild word or expression as a substitute to avoid saying an unpleasant or offensive word.
4. Epitaph– a short piece of writing or a poem about a dead person , especially one written on their gravestone
5. Hitherto– until now or until the point in time under discussion
I wonder why this field of blogging was hitherto unknown to me .
6. Prophesy-say that a specified thing will happen in the future .
7. Guffaw-a loud and hearty laugh
8. Chide– speak to someone severely because they have behaved badly ; rebuke; उपदेश देना
9. Obstentatious– characterized by showy display ; designed to impress others ; दिखावटी
10. Rebellious– showing a desire to resist authority or control
I read a lovely story of a girl showing rebellious behaviour on Neha’s blog
Learning is a lifelong process. Hope to keep learning many such new words from my blogger friends in the future.
Let’s DEAR
I am taking my alexa rank to next level with #myfriendalexa
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