Sometimes , I feel like Life is a game of experiences , just like that game of passing the parcel which the kids play at their birthday parties. There is a box containing the prompt tickets . Each player needs to pick a prompt ticket and has to act accordingly . Isn’t same the case with Life ?
God has created daily prompt tickets for all of us . You never know which prompt are you going to be given today . Every prompt ticket brings a new experience with it. Each experience has its own flavour. Some experiences are positive, some are negative. Some experiences are fun , some are problematic. Some experiences bring lot of learnings , some bring adventure. Some experiences are such you feel always thankful for and some you regret.
Today I write about the day Life gave me a prompt ticket which read ” Adventure of River Rafting “. It was my long awaited wish.
It was few years back that we went to Rishikesh and decided to stay at a tented accomodation near the river Ganges. It was already late evening , so we spent the evening enjoying music with food and drinks , in the lantern lights and the sounds of nature, especially the whoosh of the river. The gang of boys playing guitar and singing along added to the ambience.
Next day morning was scheduled for river rafting. As my daughter was small at that time, my sweet hubby got ready to stay back with her and encouraged me to go for my long awaited water adventure . I was excited . But at the same time, i was scared to go for rafting without any of my family or friends. Finally i said a hearty YES.
I lost all my personal rafting pics , took it from google
The instructor ordered all of us to wear life jackets and gave us few instructions. All settled on the raft , few shots clicked and within next five minutes, it was ” Go……….” . All were excited , smiling broad and holding tight to the raft . For the first few minutes, it went very peaceful , but then suddenly we could see the massive waves approaching. “Aaaaaa….” all of us shouted and cheered while our raft crossed that furious wave , drenching all of us with chilled waters. WOW, this was the moment our hearts craved for.
[tweetshare tweet=”Fill your life with adventures, not things. Have stories to tell not just stuff to show .” via=”no”]
Inbetween at a certain point, where the river seemed lazy , the instructor asked us to experience the total adventure by jumping off the raft into the river. As i was alone ( without any of my family), i couldn’t dare but many others did and i was envy to see them having the icy fun.
But what was it , the next moment i was chanting ” Jai Mata Di , Jai Mata Di” as i had also suddenly dared to jump and explore the real Ganges adventure , my mind making sure that the life jacket was well tied. Had i put my life in jeopardy ? Such were the thoughts , holding one of the rods of the raft , as the water under was not harmonious as it appeared on the surface . In less than five minutes , other raft friends helped me pull up .
Such was the memorable adventure of river rafting , the adventure which filled my soul . Those feel of waters in the sacred river of Ganges , those wild and calm waves gladdened and refreshed me.
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‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’
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