WriteTribe celebrates writing. The #WTFOW#6 is a festival of writing in which one has to write for 7 days . This is my post for Day 1 .
God sends all of us on this earth with one or more innate treasures. When I analyzed myself I found my treasures to be my ability to LET GO and my evergreen urge to learn new things. I am always excited to learn anything new . Out of these two treasures , the ability to LET GO takes a lead.
The Cambridge English dictionary defines LET GO as to stop holding something or to stop thinking about or being angry about the past . I am always thankful to God for making me a “LET GO “kind of person ..Isn’t it better to let go and move forward in life than just hold on and feel down.
1. LET GO of the bad memories
Why to set a constant reminder of the bad memories ? Why to keep thinking n worrying about the same thing ? Life is for loving , helping, caring , smiling and keep flowing. Let life be like a river which keeps flowing calmly . It keeps making its own way and never keeps in mind which stones had obstructed its path .You had a quarrel in the family……Just LET GO , someone ill treated you at workplace……Just LET GO
Just forget it , forgive and move forward . Why to carry unnecessary burden when forgetting and forgiving makes us feel so calm and light from within . It’s not that I m always a very calm person , I do get angry many many times but I don’t make a covalent bond with my anger . I set the electrons of my anger free .

2. LET GO of the negative thoughts
Many times we feel down and depressed in life. Many times I don’t even know the reason why am I crying but something is definitely there that I can’t stop. May be there are some negative thoughts coming back to action out of any bad past , But I don’t allow my tears to form a permanent mud pond in my mind , I let my tears wash out all the dust from within and water the new plants of happiness inside me.
3. LET GO of Fear
One of my favourite quotes is “The best way to overcome fear is to face it ” ….yes I just love this quote and I have tried it many times , be it the fear of facing the stage or the fear of starting a blog or the fear of paragliding for the first time . It works , really does.
4. LET GO of Stagnation
Stagnant water starts stinking , same is the case with our lives. There is only one thing which is and should be constant, and that is Change . Change is the root of the wonderful life ahead. Any positive change cleanses and detoxifies the body and mind from within. Even a small change in your environment by going to a weekend picnic can help let go of stagnation and energise your mind, brain and soul. My small acts to let go of stagnation are going for a movie or to park with my daughter , play snakes n ladders with my family before we go to sleep , write a new blog post which energizes me and yes sometimes shopping . Such acts keep me happy , I relish them.
5. LET GO of the petty concerns of life
In our daily lives we face variety of situations which do not happen according to our wish and we don’t feel comfortable. Just accept such tiny matters as they are . I often smile and think that everything is just fine . I have learnt a quote from my Dad , he often gives its reference “Everything matters but nothing matters much ” . I have also started applying it practically in my life and it does help me LET GO . Let the trivialities of life not weigh me down and stop me from climbing mountains .
So just LET GO , be stressfree, happier and keep flying .
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