Let's make a graph of our lives using these X-axis and Y-axis .
Ok , let me take a graph paper and choose 15 important moments of my life , both positive and negative . I am going to plot them and see how my life graph looks . Happier the moment is , higher it goes on positive side and sadder the moment is , lower it goes on negative side of Y-axis . Got it ??? Let's go !!
How does my life graph look ? Good that there are more of positive moments than the sad ones . What else do i need ?
In previous BlogchatterA2Z i wrote a post about X-factor which is still close to my heart . You may want to read it here XFactor
I am writing this post as part of #BlogchatterA2Z month long writing festival
Wow! I loved this concept of plotting life events on xy axes. Its like a synopsis of your life with a wonderful pictorial representation.