Motivation is something we all need time to time to keep ourselves energized to finish a task , facing the difficult situations of life or just to be Happy . It’s a push that initiates & guides you and makes you achieve what you want in life .
I thought of blogging down my favorite motivational thoughts or quotes – which can keep me inspired all the time. And if you as a reader also gets motivated in some way , that would be a crowning stroke for my writing effort .
Just for your update , my posts under #MiniMotivationMantra would not at all be long reads .
Today’s motivational mantra is about taking ACTION.
“Focus on taking action ,not being in motion”
I was reading the book ‘Atomic Habits’ in which the author refers to being in motion and taking action as two different terms. When you are in motion , you are planning and making strategies. No doubt that is important but unless you take action , no output can be expected. If you read a lot of articles on a better diet plan that’s motion . When you actually take a healthy meal, that’s action . If you keep reading about how to write , that’s motion . I don’t say that is useless but unless you pick up your pen and start writing , how can you expect results ? So, Focus on taking action . Take that first step today itself .
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