A habit is a routine or behavior that’s performed regularly . Your habits may be waking up to a cup of coffee , going for a walk , cleaning up your bed , making dishes , packing tiffins for family members , an afternoon nap followed by evening tea and then doing preparations for dinner . Well that was just an example of a woman’s routine . Yours may differ from this . We all have good and bad habits and we all want to develop more of good habits in our life .
What are some of the healthy habits women should have or develop ? I am just trying to compile a list . You don’t have to follow all of these rather you may be following many of these already. Just try to follow few of these healthy habits that can bring a remarkable positive change in your life .
25 healthy habits for women
Adopt Good habits for your Physical health:
- Spare half an hour daily for your exercise.
- Start your day with few minutes of morning walk . If you are too busy in the mornings , keep evenings for yourself .
3. Don’t skip breakfast at any cost . Include more of protein .
4.Take care of your body before any major health concern develops . Go for regular health check-ups.
5.You must consume a small plate of salad before your main course of food. That could be green salad or sprouts.
6.Don’t say that you don’t like milk . Your bones need lot of calcium. If you really can’t get milk down your throat , have fauxnuts as a snack in evening or a bowl of curd in lunch.
7.Nuts- almonds and walnuts are good for your joints and skin.
8. ‘Golden latte’ is the modern term for our turmeric milk since ages . That’s the best habit you can develop in your lifestyle . Turmeric has healing and antiaging properties plus it’s great for your joints . And milk is a universal boon for joints .
9.Replace your dose of masala tea or coffee with green tea ;atleast once in a day.
10.Keep a track of your workout in terms of time , steps or calories .
11.Climb atleast few stairs wherever you find .
12. Join a group of fitness freak women . That proves to be very motivational.
Adopt good habits for your Emotional health
- Sit daily in your prayers for five minutes .
- Start practicing SILENCE daily for one minute . Just close your eyes and you should focus on your breath 60 times.
- Stop worrying too much about other people or situations . Accept those as they are .
- Try to practice ‘Let go’ and believe in ‘Let GOD’ . There’s a power who is there to handle your troubles as well .
- Use your creative powers. Indulge yourself in any creative activity which you love – singing , writing , reading , sketching or anything . But not watching TV please ! That’s entertainment & not creativity. Well! I am learning the art of calligraphy nowadays . You can follow #mericalligraphyjourney on instagram.
Read ‘Why women must pursue some hobbies ?’
6. Sleep properly for 7-8 hours . That’s as good for your physical health too.
7. Don’t sleep with some kind of grudge with anyone .
“I am the only one who can make my well-being on top priority .
I owe it to myself to pay attention to the needs of my body , mind and spirit.”
8. Stay connected with your friends and laugh more .
9.Don’t try to finish all the tasks in a hurry. PAUSE.
10.Make priority list of tasks to be completed in a day . Complete only those which are urgent .
11. Spend time with your kids – play , dance , sing , draw or anything else .
12. Start learning something new – may be any DIY project , a new language or trying a new dish.
Remove Bad habits out of your life one by one
- Analyze yourself and list down your bad habits. Admit to yourself that some bad habits are there in you. Say it loud .
- Choose the one habit which you firstly want to overcome .
- If you have a bad habit of spending too much time on your phone or social media , practice keeping your phone in a different room for an hour or so . Read a book during that time or listen to your favourite song .
- If you have a bad habit of eating junk food daily in evening , you can try keeping a day of the week as junk free . You can eliminate the bad habit steadily.
- Keep an account of the steps you take to beat bad habits and keep rewarding yourself time to time for every good step.
Your habits define you . They create your personality . Find your own ways to adopt healthy habits and break down bad ones . James Clear , the author of ‘Atomic Habits’ says that tiny changes can make a big difference in your life . Success is the product of daily habits –not once in a lifetime transformation. You should read his book if possible or you can follow him on his blog .
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