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Wellness - The benefits of Writing and Wellness tools

All of us have been writing since childhood – learning ABC to sentences to paragaraphs and then essays . I have also done that . I started writing a blog three  years back . It was started just as a hobby , or you can say an online diary . Over a period of years , I have started finding writing as a stress-reliever . Writing has now become an important part of my wellness .

wellness and writing

What is wellness ?

Wellness is much more than the absence of illness; it is our total well-being – in body, mind, and spirit. By wellness , it means that :

  • you have a healthy body
  • your mind has a good  emotional balance
  • you live with  optimism
  • To Live in present – you have learnt this art
  • you have a progressive attitude

Are Writing and Wellness really connected to each other ?

Let’s start with a famous Wellness model given by Martin Seligman. . He developed a five core element of wellness  and happiness . This 5 element model is known as PERMA model .



  • P : Positive emotions
  • E : Engagement
  • R : Relationships
  • M : Meaning
  • A : Accomplishment

Connecting PERMA model and the benefits of Writing

1. P of  PERMA wellness : Positive emotions


Writing blesses you with positive emotions.

Writing has been proven as a therapy – it reduces your stress . When stress is reduced , positive emotions are sure to come . You write about yourself , your life , your ambitions , your good and bad traits , your experiences . Take writing as a constructive way to look upon your life and your visions .

  • You can volunteer as a writer . Volunteering always makes a person happy .
  • Write away all the negative emotions on the paper . That’s a stress buster .
  • Write all your thoughts and feelings into words , without worrying about grammar or anything . This is called expressive writing and it can be a powerful way to enhance overall wellbeing.

2. E of  PERMA wellness :  Engagement


The creative work of writing keeps your mind happily engaged .

Engagement is the activity when you feel so engrossed that you forget ‘time’ . The person who loves creating music notes for a song , forgets ‘time’ when he is engaged in that activity . The person who loves painting , may forget even his food and water when he is engrossed . Same is with writers . Writing makes you so involved in the thinking process  , making beautiful senetences , plotting a scene or poetry emerging from your pen .

  • Writing keeps you happily engaged.
  • It makes your mind sharp.
  • Writing makes you a better thinker . ( as you start looking for stories to write from  daily life )
  • Keeping your mind busy in the creative thought process and then giving those thoughts a shape , keeps you away from other negativities of life .

3. R of  PERMA wellness :  Relationships


Writing connects you with many like minded people .

Writing helps you find a connection with yourself . When you write about your fears , stress , happy moments , dreams , you get to know yourself better . You come close to your shortcomings and that is a help for you to improve yourself . When you write about general topics like parenting , health , stories or may be any other , you find many other like minded people .

As a blogger , I have found many like minded bloggers with whom i like to connect and they too in return . We are all social animals . We all want good loving relationships. As bloggers , we all appreciate and motivate each other to write better and better .

  • Good relationships provide us support
  • We love and motivate each other in good  relationships .

4. M of PERMA wellness :  Meaning


Give meaning to life through your writing .

An important part of wellness is the ‘meaning’ of your life . The questions like – Why am I living , What good am i contributing , What is the ultimate life goal – can help you to find the meaning of your life . Religion , spirituality and spreading happy vibrations provide many people with meaning . To me , writing about women happiness and empowerment   is one of the meanings my writing has given me .

By writing for good causes or  by volunteering as a free writer , you can play your part to make the world a better place . I think the more you keep writing , better ‘meaning’ you would be able to find through your writing .

The ability to leave an impact at scale through your words alone is a pretty amazing concept.

5. A of PERMA wellness :  Accomplishment


Writing gives you a great sense of accomplishment.

Having goals and then achieving them gives a sense of accomplishment. When you make a writing goal for yourself , put in your best efforts , think day and night and achieve your goal , the sense of accomplishment it gives can be imagined by a writer only .

It’s a different issue that a writer is never satisfied with his/her write-ups . S/he  always has a more improved version of presenting the thoughts .

As I took up the month long blogging challenge and I am just 3 posts behind , I have almost started beaming with joy of accomplishment .

  • Giving your thoughts , a shape in the form of words , is accomplishment .
  • When people relate to your write-up and share positive feedback , there’s a great joy of accomplishment.
  • Achievement or accomplishment is an integral part of growth ,success and wellness .


How you can take up Writing in your life as a tool for Wellness ?

  • At the end of the day , write any three  good points about – How you spent your day ? You can quickly jot down in your phone notes only .
  • Try writing any three good things that happened yesterday in your life . It can be a nutritious meal , rain or a warm hug.
  • Why not start writing those hand written letters once again ? You can write by hand , scan it and then e-mail it . What do you think – doesn’t that carry more of love ?
  • Send hand written birthday notes to your dear ones . Be original . Don’t copy from google .
  • I read somewhere about Morning pages . Though I haven’t researched about it , but Internet has many posts proving it as a stress buster . Write whatever .
  • Start a blog .

Adopt writing as a wellness tool in your life . Enjoy the journey of writing , become a better learner , overcome stress , and maintain your overall well-being . You’ll definitely feel a sense of fulfillment .






















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