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Celebrating yourself - Why and How to ? No Yummy Mummy reason

 Should you invest time in celebrating yourself ? Is it really  important to celebrate yourself ? If yes , what are the reasons and HOW tips ?

We live in  a world which doesn’t pause or rest . Everyone of us is rushing . We are striving for accomplishments , success , growth and joy . See ! Joy comes at the last after accomplishments or success . Actually it has been so fixed in our minds that hard work and accomplishment leads to success . And success would then bring joy . There are people and media daily hitting your minds with the headings like – Achieve as much as you can in a day , Be productive , How to improve productivity , Work on your hobbies , fitness mantras , and what not . You just can’t count them .

Everyone is working hard , but don’t you think that you forget celebrating yourself in the process ? When was the last time you paused and celebrated yourself ?

Here are the 3 reasons we all should be celebrating ourselves .

WHY ‘Celebrating yourself ‘ is important ?

1. Enjoy the journey

Don’t be a slave of the idea of joy after success or accomplishment . Work on a project keeping goals in mind but don’t forget to enjoy the journey . Why wait just for the final accomplishment to bring joy ? Let every step be joyful . Isn’t the joy every small step brings , sort of success ?

Be joyful at every step of your journey

2. Improves Gratitude

Whatever stage of life you are at , count your blessings . What are your life assets till now ? Think apart  from materialsitic things . Your health , loving family , the moments of college life you still cherish or the joy of parenthood . Shouldn’t you express gratitude  to all these things ?

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate — Oprah Winfrey 

3. Pause that refreshes

When surrounding atmosphere – people , TV news/ social media , long to-do lists ,expectations or  fears  start overwhelming  you , that’s an indication that your mind needs a pause – a pause that refreshes .  That pause is to celebrate yourself .

HOW to celebrate yourself ?

1. Celebrate  yourself  as you are

Goals and accomplishments are good , a boost for you . They are a tool for happiness and wellness. But Life is not a race , It’s not just about profit and loss .

When I will get a good job , I would be happy . Let me work hard to shed off 10 kg and then I would be happy . O God ! When would you bless me with my own , a big and beautiful house ? I would be happy then .

Goals and dreams do make you happy . Working towards your dreams keeps you energetic but remember – celebrating yourself as you are is the most important . You don’t need accomplishments everytime to celebrate . Just enjoy your company and give yourself a hug .

Celebrate yourself . You matter the most. 

2. Women don’t need to be ‘Yummy Mummy’ to celebrate themselves

Yummy mummy is a slang term used to describe young, attractive mothers. Kind of the celebrities who step out of the labour ward , gorgeously dressed up with not even an extra inch of fat put on .

Urbandictionary cites this example to understand the slang :

Isn’t that woman a hottie ?  She’s a yummy mummy!

All the mothers out there ! Do you ever feel negative about yourself just because of your looks ?  That you are fat , short heighted , dark skin or  grey hair. Please don’t judge yourself by  your external appearance . You don’t have to be a yummy mummy to celebrate yourself . Love your body as it is . How to love your body ?

 Celebrate yourself 

Why wait for someone else to celebrate you ?

3. Stop criticizing yourself

Have you ever analyzed that you criticize yourself many times .  I am a yelling  idiot , mujh se bada bevkoof koi nahi hoga , what is this bullshit I have done – so is the negative talk I have myself done at times .

It’s not one time effort but everyone of us should develop a habit to  stop  this negative self-talk  . Actually every time you are talking negative to yourself , your mind listens . And it reflects in a same way .

So stop criticizing yourself , say something positive to yourself daily . It may sound silly , but try saying – I am joy , I am beautiful to yourself . (Read ‘Vibrations’ at the end of this post )

It’s healthy to speak highly of yourself !

4. Srijnatmakta

It’s a hindi word meaning ‘Creativity’ . ‘Srijna‘ means to create something which appears beautiful to your eyes , heart and mind . Don’t know why but today the hindi word  ‘Srijnatmakta’ fascinated me more than ‘creativity’ .


Do a creative activity – just for celebrating yourself . Don’t do it for  some profit or for showing off , just do it for yourself  & your happiness . You don’t need to be or become a great artist for srijnatmakta. You already have a lot of srijna energies in you . Explore them to celebrate yourself .

Be …….don’t try to become ! 

Read ‘Be Young at Heart’ tips :

It would be a pleasure if we connect on FB or Twitter 

Here’s another post about VIBRATIONS which I personally love . Do read if you want to :










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