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Travel Tips and Learnings #traveloguenz

In the month of September 2019 I have been writing about my travel story of the recent NewZealand holiday trip , that too a solo trip.

Go here if you want to read #traveloguenz from the beginning 

My Newzealand trip has been a great experience and Travelling alone did teach me some lessons also . After my long awaited solo trip was accomplished , I came out as a new person . I found myself happier , rejuvenated and even more confident .

“Travel brings power and love back into your life “

When I visited the Auckland zoo , there was a creative section for kids where they could paint , draw , play games or watch the LED show of stars and sky . There were some cards with ‘My Goal’ written on them . All children were writing their goals . I also wrote mine on a card . Look for yourself :


Some Lessons from my travel :

1.Travel makes you confident When you travel solo there are many situations where  you need to all the little or big tasks alone . Right from Checking in the bags , hopping on trains or ferries in a different country , walking on unknown paths , missing the bus  , struggling for cabs in the rainy nights , or keeping extra care of your passport , all this when done perfectly , one feels like shouting:

” Yes ! I can do it ”


2. Solo Travel connects you to yourself When you are travelling alone there are no fixed routines .

*wake up when you feel like , not with alarm

*eat whenever hungry , no cooking tension

*sleep daily with an excitement for the next day unlike the routine sleep with a stress about the next day jhikjhik of  Boss

Travelling lets you find your inner happiness and strengths , you see how  other people are making their living , you notice both pains and smiles everywhere . Your own problems may begin to feel very small in comparison to others .

When you travel in fully occupied trains or buses and hear people discussing office issues , your heart  finds a sort of  comfort that you are not alone in the world facing the daily troubles of life .

3. Cherish the little things in life 

Life is all about moments , experiences and smiles . It’s not everytime that you can travel far off places . When I travelled solo for few days leaving my family back in India , there were moments when I missed my family .

A family was happily eating together in a restaurant when I was eating a burger sitting alone at a bus stop . Togetherness is happiness enlarged .

I had missed a cab on a  rainy night and was confused searching  for the correct way towards train station when I saw a  man sheltering his wife in umbrella and opening the car door for her .

No doubt Travel is fun , exciting , thrilling , but to me it came as a reminder also to cherish Life .

My Travel Tips

  1. Keep your cards and passports very very safe . No need of hard cash when you are going to some other country . Have a forex card and you are done !
  2. Don’t keep all your cards at one place . Be prepared for the worst . Do keep copies of your passport in your phone , on your mail and even few hard copies .
  3. Don’t forget to book a meal of your choice in advance for  your flight journey .
  4. Keep a good book with you in case you need to kill time waiting for something .
  5. Do keep a check on the baggage weight allowed in your flight . In my case during the journey from Delhi to Auckland the checked in luggage allowed was 30 kg but on the way back it was just 20 kg . What the hell ? I don’t know but I had to take out many of the stuff to reduce the weight of my bag.
  6. Always keep some nuts or energy bars with you .
  7. Don’t shop too much . Everything is available almost everywhere . Save for your next trip .
  8. Travel light . Don’t carry too many clothes . You are not going in a fashion show . 3 Jeans and 6 Tops will do well for 10 days holiday .
  9. Do take a travel insurance while booking . You are saved in any emrgency .
  10. Talk to locals . Smile and start a conversation . Everyone is nice and wants to smile .

To travel is to create happy memories

Travel . Travel a lot . It’s better to visit once in real than see hundreds of times on google or the television . Life is a box of experiences . Go and create some more ! Happy Travelling !

Allow me also  to  go and plan my next vacation .

Wait ! One more thing !  Every moment you experience , every place you visit , every beauty which you feel , everything can’t be described sufficiently in words. I  tried my best to write my NewZealand travel experiences and shared pictures also .  But still a lot is written just on my heart . And I smile everytime I think of it .


Travel , Experience and Smile !

Don’t just  know , Experience !

Don’t just dream, Do !

I am loving to write #traveloguenz under Blogchatter’s campaign #myfriendalexa 





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