I love to travel and explore new places – experience the different cultures , nature’s beauty and even just enjoy the journey . Travelling to any new place makes me happy and rejuvenates me . I come back with my energy levels elevated and my inner spirit is then motivated to work more enthusiastically ,whether at home or my workplace .
I have travelled many places with my family – Goa , Kerala , Kanyakumari , Himachal to name a few . But It was my dream since long to travel solo .
For the last many months there have been many posts on facebook of women who travelled solo . I used to go through those posts again and again and feel excited . I even read few blogs about solo travels –how solo travelers said that one should definitely travel solo atleast once in lifetime . At the back of my mind , I had the unfulfilled excitement of international travel also along with the curiosity of solo travel . I had explored many places in India but just Nepal at the name of International travel .
I planned to travel Solo International . The best option I could decide was to visit one of my very loving cousins who lives in New Zealand . Yes ! There I go ! God helped , my family supported me, all the paperwork done successfully and finally the tickets booked ! Yippeeee !
My flight to NewZealand was scheduled from Delhi on 28th June 2019 . I left from Chandigarh on 27th June and stayed that night with one of my cousins in New Delhi . Next morning I reached the airport well in time and completed all security and baggage checks . I must say I was bit nervous as I was all alone and was travelling for the first time to a place thousands of miles away from my home , that too leaving my darling daughter behind . But I tell you that nervousness or the fear which you have in your mind is only till you keep your first step out . As you take the first step the path itself shows the way . Then any kind of fear fades away .
New Delhi to Bangkok
My first journey was from New Delhi to Bangkok . I was travelling internationally first time you know , I was very much thrilled . An exciting journey had started . Going on a holiday to NewZealand was adding a new zeal in me . I clicked lots of selfies and at the same time I was extra cautious also of my belongings , especially my hand bag which had my credit cards and passport . I thoroughly enjoyed my first journey till Bangkok-from enjoying food and drinks in the plane , see my plane sail through the clouds ,and watching movies on the go . Just for your knowledge ,it was Thai Airways .
Food served in Thai airways ….it was quite delicious
Bangkok to Auckland
Reaching Bangkok ,there was a layover of 1 hour and I had to board another plane from Bangkok to Auckland . Bangkok airport is huge and very beautiful also as I had heard . But just one hour time didn’t allow me to enjoy Bangkok airport . After enquiring at one or two places and after a 20 minute walk I reached my next boarding gate. This journey was going to be long and tiring. Thank God I had opted for Aisle seat on web check in.
I was enjoying this journey also till the food was served . I am a Hindu vegetarian and had opted for Veg meal while booking the ticket. But the air hostess didn’t have my name in her list of Veg meal passengers . This became the first lesson of my solo travel –that I had to separately book for Veg meal on the site of Thai Airways . Well this is what the air staff told me .
Ok now I had no other option than to rely just on juice and cookies . But one of the airhostess was sweet enough as she came to me with a Veg Hindu meal after few minutes . Oh ! my tummy thanked her more than my lips . I enjoyed my food ,then movies , then little of sleep and finally the 12 hour journey came to an end . On 29th June 2019 I landed in Auckland . Stepping on to the city of sails, I was excited to meet my cousin sis (whom I call Di ) and brother-in-law (whom I call Satin Bro)
Chandigarh –New Delhi-Bangkok-Auckland was a memorable joue rney .
You would love to read the next parts of my NewZealand travelogue – which places I visited , what did I shop , what I loved the most , the sharks at the zoo , the fresh snowfall and lots more .
Part 2 : Devonport and Orewa
Part 3 : Waiheke
Part 4 : Sky Tower
Part 5 : Auckland zoo and Aquarium
Part 7 : Rotorua
Part 8 : My Travel tips and learnings
I didn’t travel solo to get away from anyone ,but for getting closer to myself .
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