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How do I become happy ?

Scrolling through facebook posts and notifications today , I came across a video by Sandeep Maheshwari “How to be happy?” The audience is asking that they are busy from morning till late night , working non-stop like robots , getting up early , finishing off domestic chores , working for hours in the office , also spending time for family’s wishes and happiness  , with no time left for self -happiness .


This is the case with all of us . Right ? Even after doing all the above listed tasks on daily basis , people can be heard complaining about us-You didn’t do this , you didn’t perform your duty perfectly , you didn’t cook tasty food today ,blah blah blah .

We are so much in the grip of the daily life struggles that we are too much occupied with worries , tensions , jealousy ,with hardly any time for self-happiness .

Then what do we do ? Well , Sandeep Maheshwari answers – Contentment is the key to happiness .

Yes all of us know that . But how many of us have this contentment ? Some of us are unsatisfied about our job , our low income or we are jealous of others’ achievements .

You dream of a good job , you get one , you start earning but after sometime the same income is not able to bring satisfaction . You dream of your own house , you spend years saving money or killing off many other desires to fulfill the desire of having your own house . The time comes when you are able to achieve your own house , but after few months or so , the same house is not able to bring you the cheers . Why does it happen ?

The problem is Comparison .

You get a good job but after some time you start comparing your income with one of your friend’s income who may be serving as a manager in a company . That comparison steals your happiness .

You got a good house of your own but after some time you start comparing it with the bigger houses which your friends or other family members have . That comparison again brings unhappiness .

Comparison is the thief of joy and happiness.

You see , someone somewhere will always be having more income , bigger house , more stuff , more fortune than you . Just stop comparing yourself with others . Everybody is living  as per his/her own time framework .

If you want to be happy , stop comparison . Now By stop comparison , it should not mean that you be just satisfied with whatever you have and not work hard for any better . Do compare yourself with others , but  analyze how they achieved whatever they have today . They must have worked harder than you , they must have taken more risks , they must have developed their talents or strengths to achieve something they wanted . You also start working in that direction .

Work harder , Develop your talents , Learn something new . Push your limits , Take up new challenges ,you just can’t keep sitting at home scrolling through your social media and doing unjustifiable comparisons with others’ lives .

So the foremost point to become happy is to stop unreasonable comparison with others .

And you know what , you are already living a life which many others wish to live . So you should be grateful that GOD has blessed you with those things .

Gratefulness is the other major factor which can contribute to your happiness . If you are not grateful for whatever you already have , you will not be blessed with more . Be grateful for your good health , well earning job , loving family , supportive friends . Your good health should be the key factor for your happiness . Be happy that you are living a disease free life or  you don’t need to visit any doctor . Go to any hospital and you become aware how blessed and happy you are , when you see thousands of patients suffering from various diseases . The cries in the emergency ward in the hospital or long queues of people carrying their infants for heart surgeries , send jitters .

Today onward , Be Grateful for everything you have . Start to count your blessings .


Do the things which bring you smile naturally . Take out time for the things your heart really wants – listening music , dancing , reading , writing , just walking  , or any other but do spare time for it may be just a few minutes daily . This time is your  ‘self-love’ time and it’s a must for your happiness . May be the worldly responsibilities don’t want to allow you even a little of ‘self-love’ time , may be people throw some hurtful comments but avoid taking those to heart . Remember you can’t please everybody , so why not to please yourself first . Have a compulsory ‘self-love’ time . It’s the question of your happiness first .

Happiness credit goes to happy hormones too . The good hormones are released when you exercise and sweat out . So make exercise an important part of your daily life , stop making excuses ‘I don’t have the time’ or ‘I will start from tomorrow ‘ . Don’t procrastinate and invite good hormones in your life . Just sharing , this summer I have started with Aerobics as my fitness regime and I am loving it .

For detailed read on good hormones trigger , you may read here .


Above all , stop worrying too much for future . Be yourself ! Do your best and leave the rest to GOD ! You are already very happy . It’s just your mind playing games with you . Most of the devils are running in your mind .That’s where the battle has to be fought .

You can read some quotes on ‘Self-Improvement’

Happiness is a habit . You just need to cultivate it .

Stay Happy ! Stay Blessed !

Now allow  me to go and  put on my headphones as music is one of my ‘self-love’ therapies .








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