Every morning I set four alarms you know . Starting from 5 o’clock in the morning ,the others are set each at a gap of 20 minutes , so as to make sure that I am finally out of bed by 6 o’clock . When the first alarm rings , I always hit the snooze button and go to a beautiful tiny nap once again . So every morning I have 2-3 snoozes and then 2-4 alarms jerking me to finally get up and start my day . I have to hurry then so much for everything , quickly finishing kitchen work , packing tiffins and then myself rushing to office . Thanks to my good time management skills.
How good it would be if the ring of my first alarm at 5 o’clock got me out of bed ? There would be no rushing at all . It would be a relaxing start to my day . And i might find some time for walk or meditation or just enjoy the golden time when there is silence all around .
I need to find a solution to stop snoozing my alarm clock . It’s not that I have’t tried it but if i say honestly , I haven’t tried it with all my heart . And this mind is also the culprit you know – this feels happier to go into dreamy world in the small snooze time .
I have read much about the benefits of rising early in the morning . Let me recollect .
Benefits of rising early morning
- By rising early you can gift yourself with a golden hour everyday.
- Our spiritual books also talk of Brahma Muhurta or Amritvela – the fourth pehar of night or the early morning time is good for spiritual practices . It is said that if one can get up during Amritvela (3-6am) one can be free of heavy mind and the clutter inside . If you are serious about it , there are larger chances of connecting with the supreme and feel calm inside .
- There is something very special about the morning silence .
- You can increase your efficiency by rising early .
- Many geniuses and big business owners have been using their mornings to elevate their success .
Tips which can be adopted to stop snoozing the clock:-
- Don’t keep your phone(alarm) alongside on your bed . Put it on the chair or table , bit distant away.
- Go to sleep earlier , so that you have 6-8 hours of good sleep before your alarm rings at 5 o’clock. Even if you go to bed at 10 pm , it makes a perfect 7 hours of sleep till 5am.
- Have dinner atleast two hours before 10pm , so that your digestive system is relaxed by the time you lie down in your bed .
- Have a distraction free hour before your sleeping time . No scrolling on the phone !
- Start working on adopting the new habit of rising early . You will have to be strict , Push yourself . First few days would be used up in breaking old habit , next few days would be the transformation time where the good new habit starts to take over the old habit of snoozing and then finally the new habit of getting up early will become your part.
- Read “The 5AM Club ” by Robin Sharma . He talks of maximizing productivity and activating one’s best health by adopting the early-rising habit .
I am reading the book “The 5AM Club” these days . I haven’t finished it yet but let me share an excerpt which can motivate you to have a control on your alarm clock .
I am yet to train myself to stop snoozing my clock in the morning . This time I would try with all my mind and heart .
First let me complete #BlogchatterA2Z and #Prerna . Then I would focus on my O’clock.
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