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My Xperiments with Motivation #Prerna

The theme on which I am writing nowadays is

#Prerna -Inspire yourself

Now the question is -how does one inspire oneself ? Not all the people follow the same  techniques for motivation . May be the thing which motivates me  , doesn’t shake you even little . And this is also possible that the thing which is able to motivate me today just doesn’t make any difference to me tomorrow .

I have written on various topics under #Prerna – Positive attitude , Determination , Happiness , Confidence , Overcoming fear , etc .

But What actually motivates me ? I am not just writing about motivation , I am  actually trying to embrace motivation in my real life. That’s what I am trying to share through my blog .


The different (E)xperiments I have done with motivation


  1. Reading

Reading is very important for motivating oneself . I don’t watch much of TV or all the time scrolling my facebook . Even if I scroll , I scroll to find something good to read – something which makes me feel good, happy , inspired or  shudder my emotions wetting my eyes at times . I even read about recipes also occasionally . After all tasty food also brings motivation .

It’s not like I am too enthusiastic about books but I read when and wherever I get a chance . I think I developed the interest of reading in my genes as my father has been a literature person and loves reading . He has a huge collection based on varied genres .

I have some spiritual books , some motivational books by Robin Sharma , Chicken soup series and few books in my kindle as on today . That day my daughter got a book for herself from the book exhibition in her school , and I also loved reading few stories out of it .

So Reading keeps me motivated .

2. Exercise

I have noticed that whichever days  my exercise schedule is running good , I find myself happy and motivated . Whenever there are any gaps due to some other engagements or my excuses , I feel lethargic and there are no ‘feel energetic’ vibes in my body .

Exercise is more productive when I do it in a team . The mutual support – the laughs shared or even daily weight checking who’s lost how much , makes all the process more inspiring .

Exercise keeps one active , reduces stress levels and releases endorphins -feel good hormones . It reduces fatigue and anxiety.


3. A talk with my Dad

Mere a general talk with my dad has always boosted my view towards life or its troubles . I have observed that whenever I am in a critical situation , he is there to help me rebuild my confidence .

There is really something magical in his words , his hugs and his blessings that I always come back motivated after meeting him . As he is a fan of reading , he even shares some little examples or anecdotes which leave an impression on my mind .

My Dad loves singing , playing daphli and also good at sharing  jokes . The sounds of jingle on daphli , his jokes or mere his presence enliven my mood .

How to be calm- Tips I learnt from my Dad

4.  Blogging

“The more you do, the more you think, the better you get.” 

To motivate myself and to spread it around , I started writing on Motivation #Prerna . I have observed that the more I am writing about it , the more I feel motivated and I am able to find my doses of motivation from here and there .

Today only I read a small anecdote in a magazine which I got to have a look at one of my uncle’s home . It was named ‘A cup of tea’ . Let me share with you . It was like :

A man wanted to become disciple of a Guru . He went to the Guru’s place . The Guru served him a cup of tea . He poured his visitor’s cup full and kept on pouring . The visitor couldn’t keep quiet and asked ” It’s already full ,no more will go in it “

The Guru said ” Like this cup , you are already full of your own thoughts and opinions , how would you gain new unless you first empty your cup “

The beautiful message is that one’s mind should be empty and hungry to gather more wisdom .

Blogging keeps me motivated .

It was during my blogging journey only that I came across ‘Law of Vibration’ and now I have made up my mind to vibrate positive always .

5. Observing people around me

Motivation – it’s not that we can get it only from books or quotes of some great men in the world .  Motivation is all around us . We just have to be alert .

I have started observing people more and also  listen to their life experiences more carefully . You never know whose words become a source of energy for me . Few days back  I was observing   two of my friends who were talking to each other . In between their topic of discussion , one of them said ” How can it be completed unless you start  it ?” Don’t you find some inspiration in these words ?


Apart from these I keep doing some tiny tasks which help keep me energized and motivated :

  • Listening music
  • Be in the company of positive people
  • Gratitude
  • Laughing
  •  Making smaller goals
  • Try to let go
  • Travel

Find your own ways of motivating yourself . There is a treasure house of strength within you . Shake yourself and shine from within . Stay Happy ! Stay Inspired !







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