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Make 'Law of Vibration' work for you #BlogchatterA2Z

There are vibrations all around

Universe is energy and energy is vibration . Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed . It just transforms into different forms . This is Physics . There are vibrations all around the universe. It depends on you which  vibrations your mind catches.

When you go to a temple or any other religious place , you feel at peace and calm . Because there are positive vibrations in that place . When your inner vibrations are in same frequency  with those vibrations , you feel good .

There may be some people in your life whom you just don’t like to be with . You feel unhappy or angry in their presence . It is because your and the other person’s vibrations don’t match .

What is Law of Vibration ?

If you are feeling positive you would attract more positive people around you.  People would love to come to you .  But if your inner vibrations are negative like you are angry , in complaining mode or fear something , then you just can not attract loving or positive people around you . Feeling is the conscious awareness vibration.

The law of vibration is one of the basic laws of the universe. The vibration you’re in is going to dictate what you attract into your life.

Law of Vibration and Law of Attraction

Law of vibration and Law of attraction go hand in hand . Whatever kind of  vibration you send to the universe , the same would be attracted .

As you vibrate so would you attract.


If you keep vibrating ” I am happy” you would attract more happiness in your life .

All the time vibrating ” Life is a problem”  would attract more problems and complexity in your life .

Always  vibrate ” I am rich and want to be richer ” and you would attract more wealth in your life .

If you keep vibrating ” I can’t do this work , it is so tough ” you would really never be able to do that work and life would become even tougher for you .

Always vibrate Gratefulness in life and universe would send your way much more to be grateful for .

are you grateful for your good health ?

Vibrate good and good will follow

Love your dreams and desired dreams would start following . It’s like training your inner mind to attract from universe what you want . You learn to create your vibrations and then let the universe create  for you whatever you wish .

‘The Secret’ of Law of Attraction

The book by Rhonda Byrne ‘The Secret’ is based on the law of attraction . It explains a three step process to attract what you want in life .

  • Ask
  • Believe
  • Receivevibration

Ask what you want . Vibrate what you want . And be specific while you ask . Don’t say ” I want to be rich ” rather say something like ” I wish to earn one lac rupee a month ” There should be clarity while asking . Make a vision board also for your desires  . Write your goal on paper and stick the notes on your wall or refrigerator or laptop . This would help your mind keep vibrating that goal .

Believe that whatever you have asked for , will be given to you  if you do action . Work , work hard , act consistently , act undeterred inspite of any inconveniences . Don’t focus too much on ‘How’ .Just start with it . As you start moving on the path , the path appears .

Recieve your desires being fulfilled from the universe . It’s for sure that it will be delivered to you if you keep vibrating it and have strong belief .

Isn’t this three-step process the same as said in the religious shabad of Sikhs ” Jo maange thakur apne te ”

Jo mange Thakur apne te, soi soi deve
Nanak das mukh te jo bole, iha uha sach hove 
The Lord gives whatever is asked from Him.
Whatever the servant speaks from his mouth becomes true here and hereafter. 
In other words it means the same thing ” As you vibrate so would you attract ” The desire has to be specific , strong , and filled with action and belief .
Vibrations are very powerful .  Make ‘Law of Vibration’ work for you .Let your strong positive vibrations bring you positivity , happiness , health, wealth  and your dreams coming true .

For more details read the book ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne 



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